April 2015- Tamarindo Church Updates/Announcements
Hello Friends,
It’s been a great high season here at Tamarindo Church. So fun having our seasonal residents here worshipping with us, as well as many new visitors to the church. In addition… we’ve had a few noteworthy events take place…..
On Sunday, February 21st, Tamarindo Church held a Beach Baptism. As usual, we met down on the beach at the Tamarindo river mouth for the baptism, but unknowingly… we had actually scheduled the baptism on a day when there was a major surf competition going on. At first it seemed a bit awkward, but in the end I think it was more providential than anything. Part of baptism is that we are making a public testimony to our Christian faith… so in a way, there couldn’t have been a better day or setting for the baptism. Many in the surf culture of our town were reminded of Jesus’ presence in our town…. and of our call to faith in him. There were five people who were baptized that day. Congratulations to Tyler Wells, Landon Wells, Wolfie Watson, Olivia Watson and Kk Jenkins!!
Over the past couple of months we have also had a couple visits from friends near and far. On March 1st, Pastor Paul Dreesen and his wife Dina visited with our church. Paul is the pastor at our sister church… International Baptist Church in San Jose, Costa Rica. They have been great friends and an encouragement to Stacey and I for the past 10 years. Paul is also the current president of the International Baptist Convention (www.ibc-churches.org) of which our church is a member. Thank you Paul and Dina for taking a weekend to visit with us. And thank you for sharing a meaningful message on God’s heart for reaching the Nations. In addition to a visit from San Jose, our church was alsoblessed to have a mission team visit with us all the way from Houston, Texas. During 1st Baptist Churchs’ time here, the team served in our Sunday morning children’s church, did multiple projects around the church, and then we spent a day pouring a floor and building a couple of walls in the home of a local woman named Zinia who is suffering from cancer. Their team also served other ministries in the area including Calvary Chapel, Villareal and Las Playas Food Bank. Thank you Kevin and Marlen for bringing bringing your team out our way! And thank you 1st Baptist Houston!! T-SHIRTS FOR SALE! We’d also like to say a huge “THANK YOU” to Bobby and Kristi Hall for yet another donation of these very cool Tamarindo Church T-shirts. Every penny from the sales of these T-shirts goes to support our Nicaragua and Local missions and our evangelism budget. Pick a T-shrirt up on any Sunday at church! CHURCH ART
To find out more about what’s happening at Tamarindo Church, please continue reading below. Thank you all for the many ways you give, serve, pray for Tamarindo Church. We couldn’t do this without you. Grace and Peace to you, Lyle & Stacey
Come join us on Easter Sunday for a day of celebrating the hope of the resurrection!! If you have any friends who you’ve been thinking of inviting to church, Easter Sunday is always a great opportunity to do so. We hope to see you Next Sunday.
Following our Easter Sunday service, all are invited for acookout at the home of Derick and Angeline Smith. There will be a pool, a bounce house & Easter Egg hunt for kids, and plenty of good food to eat. Please RSVP so we know how many people to expect. We hope you can join us!
NOTE: Kidz Club is cancelled for the next few weeks and will resume again in mid-April.
Meeting every Friday night from 5:45-7:30, Kidz Club rocks it for kids ages 5-12. Come join in the fun, games, activities, snacks, music and learn about how much God loves them. Great date night opportunity for the parents too!!!
To stay up-to-date on the latest, please
Click Here
and “like” us on the Kidz Club FB page
The Road will be meeting this month on
Sunday, April 19th @ Tamarindo Church
We hope to see you there!
For more info contact Carolyn Herman @ckhermanfam@gmail.com
And to stay up to date on the latest
you can also join our Facebook page TC YOUTH
~ WOMEN’S GROUP– Tuesdays@12noon-1:30pm Meetings are at the Watson’s home. For more info contact Stacey staceycostarica@aol.com or call 8706-7479 ~ MEN’S GROUP– Wednesdays @ 8:00am Come join us on Wednesdays 8AM at Kahiki Restaurant in Tamarindo. If you would like to come early and hang out over breakfast or coffee, several of us meet early at 7:30. For more info contact pastor Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com or call 8868-0871 ~ HOME GROUP– Playa Negra- Thursdays @ 1:00pm Meets at the home of Mike and Keilyn Krepin. For directions and further info, you can contact them at 2652-9270 orkeilyn07@hotmail.com |
Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us. On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You!
If you would like to make a donation online, Click here for information on how to do that. If you would like your donation to go specifically toward a wish list item, please email us to let us know. info@tamarindochurch.com THANK YOU!! |
Please continue to pray for….
for meaningful times together and healthy balance between family and ministry.
February 2015- Tamarindo Church Updates/Announcements
Hello Friends, Looking back over the month of January… we had some exciting stuff going on at Tamarindo Church. First off, we celebrated our two-year Anniversary of Tamarindo Church. It was a great day of worship… and it was fun to see that we had so many seasonal visitors and supporters of our church with us for the occasion. We are thankful to God for how he has blessed our church with a great team of volunteers and supporters over the past two years, and we look forward to what God has for us in the year ahead. In addition to celebrating our second anniversary, our church also sent a team of 19 people from Tamarindo Church up to Nicaragua for our church’s 3rd mission trip to Cristo Rey, Tipitapa. In the end we were able to build 4 houses, distribute
food provisions for 350 families, and donate a months worth of food to the feeding center. It was an awesome trip!! And you can find more pics and a link to a video of our trip below. Thank you to all who contributed toward our trip!!! Pledge Drive Update
Just want to give you all a final update on Tamarindo Church’s pledge drive for 2015. Over the past past month we have drawn closer to reaching our goal. Of the $47,000 we need in pledges, we have now reached $39,500. This puts us at close to 80% pledged, leaving us only $7,500 away from reaching our goal. If you you have not made your pledge but would like to, simply click here for instructions on how to do so.
Thank you all for the many ways you contribute to the life and ministry of our church. We hope to see you in church on Sunday!
Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
~Beach Baptism- Sunday, February 22nd This month, Tamarindo Church will be performing beach baptisms.
If you or your children are interested in being baptized on the 22nd, or if you have an interest in learning more about baptism, please contact pastor Lyle by Sunday, February 15th. lyletamarindo@gmail.com
~TC Youth- This Month
To stay up to date with the latest announcements with The Road…. join The Road’s Facebook page. Click Here
For directions or more information, feel free to contact:
Carolyn Herman- ckhermanfam@gmail.com
Megan Ward- meg.k.ward@gmail.com
~Kidz Club Tamarindo
Meeting every Friday night from 5:45-7:30, Kidz Club rocks it for kids ages 5-12. Come join in the fun, games, activities, snacks, music and learn about how much God loves them. Great date night opportunity for the parents too!!!
To stay up-to-date on the latest, please
Click Here
and “like” us on the Kidz Club FB page
~Nicaragua Mission Trip
“Thank you” again to all of you who kept us in prayer and who gave toward our trip.
To view a short video of our trip… just CLICK HERE.
To view a Facebook album of our trip… CLICK HERE.
For those of you who are interested, we are hoping to make another trip again in either May or August. The focus of the trip would be to begin building a wall around El Faro Church, and we would also like to offer workshops to teach woodworking skills to some of the men in the community. If you would like to participate by coming along or by financial contribution, please contact pastor Lyle atlyletamarindo@gmail.com.
~Mark Your Calendars
Tamarindo Church Beach Baptism Sunday, February 22nd |
~ WOMEN’S GROUP– Tuesdays@12noon-1:30pm Meetings are at the Watson’s home. For more info contact Stacey staceycostarica@aol.com or call 8706-7479 ~ MEN’S GROUP– Wednesdays @ 8:00am Come join us on Wednesdays 8AM at Kahiki Restaurant in Tamarindo. If you would like to come early and hang out over breakfast or coffee, several of us meet early at 7:30. For more info contact pastor Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com or call 8868-0871 ~ HOME GROUP– Playa Negra- Thursdays @ 1:00pm Meets at the home of Mike and Keilyn Krepin. For directions and further info, you can contact them at 2652-9270 orkeilyn07@hotmail.com |
Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us. On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You!
If you would like to make a donation online, Click here for information on how to do that. If you would like your donation to go specifically toward a wish list item, please email us to let us know. info@tamarindochurch.com THANK YOU!! |
Please continue to pray for
for meaningful times together and healthy balance between family and ministry.
January 2015 Update/Announcements
December 2014 Update/Annoucements
Partner With Tamarindo Church in 2015
Hello Everyone,
SMALL BEGINNINGS- In the big picture, I know we are in small beginnings here… but man is it exciting! Imagine you have a plot of soil in your yard… and you plant a mango seed there. Now imagine walking into your yard one afternoon and noticing that this seed that you planted has sprouted
In celebrating all God has done at Tamarindo church, here are some of the ways this growth has been evident to us over the past year.
- Our core group of volunteers and leaders has grown from 12 to 24.
- Children’s church has grown to where we now divide our children’s ministry into three age groups.
- Our base of local financial giving is growing.
- We are seeing increased attendance among locals and visitors.
- We kicked off our first ever Youth Group called “The Road” this year.
- We’ve started a weekly “Kidz Club” outreach targeting unchurched kids in the community.
CONSIDER PARTNERING WITH US- Next week we will be sending you a follow up to this email which will include
- How we faired in “local giving” in 2014
- An update on what our financial needs will be for 2015.
- Information on how you can make your U.S./Canadian tax deductible gift to Tamarindo Church.
In the mean time, we ask that you prayerfully consider being on our team of support for 2015. And as you consider supporting us, you can learn more about the mission, vision and context of our church… and what we’ve been up to over the past year… by clicking the following links below.
Thank you in advance for considering us in your ministry of giving for next year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me personally at lyletamarindo@gmail.com .
Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
November 2014 Update/Announcements
Hello Friends,
It’s hard to believe we are already in November. As I was in my office just last week looking at the wall calendar…. I had a “wow” moment thinking, “Wow… what an exciting three months we have ahead of us here at Tamarindo Church. In November we will be hosting our annual Thanksgiving Feast…. yummmm. In December we will be hosting our annual Church Sailing Day, a first annual Christmas Caroling gathering where we will be lighting a huge Christmas tree outside the church, and of course our Christmas Eve Celebration. In January, we will be taking our annual Mission Trip to Nicaragua… which is always a meaningful trip. All of this to say… Lots of exciting stuff coming up, so be sure to read below and mark your calendar accordingly for the dates given further on in this email! But enough looking forward… let me fill you in on whats been happening here in the past month. It has been fun to see the ways God is moving in Tamarindo. We are several weeks into our new Kidz Club and Youth Group at Tamarindo Church, and we are beginning to gain some momentum with attendance. Last Friday we had over 50 kids at the Kidz Club Carnival we hosted. And at Youth Group we have had an average of 17 kids attending. In addition to this, we are seeing our attendance on Sundays at church double from where were during this time last year. What we see in these numbers is that God is furthering the reach and influence of the gospel in our community, and this movement of God is exciting to be a part of. Now…… if I ended the story there, I’d be giving you only half of the story of what’s been going on. Because while things are going great in terms of ministry… a couple of weeks ago, I sent an email to the leadership of our church requesting that we all be praying more…. as I was sensing that our church was under some sort of spiritual attack. Believe me, I’m not the type to over-spiritualize things. But as the days began to unfold following that prayer request, it became more clear than ever, someone (hint… name starts with an “S”) is not happy about what’s happening in Tamarindo Church and in our town. Following that prayer request, unusual occurrences and prayer requests were coming to Stacey and I in a way that we’ve never experienced before. I won’t go into detail, but truth of the following verse has been more real to us than ever these past couple of weeks… Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I share these things with you to say… #1. God is rocking Tamarindo…. The church is being the Church, and God is advancing his Kingdom. #2. Please keep our church in prayer… especially the core group of leadership and volunteers. Please be in this battle with us spiritually.
Greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world…. AMEN! Finally, on totally different note… we want to share with you all that we are at that time of year again where we are asking you all to consider financially partnering with us for another year of ministry in Tamarindo. First of all, let me say “Thank you” to all of you who have faithfully given over the past year…. It looks as if we will finish this year in the positive financially! And as we look ahead to next year, we are hoping that we will have some of our new folks joining us in financial support, as well as some of our current givers continue their support into 2015. Over the next few weeks you will be receiving information on our vision and our financial needs in 2015. In the mean time we ask that you please prayerfully consider Tamarindo Church in your ministry of giving for the year ahead. Thank you for all of the ways you serve and give to further the ministry of Tamarindo Church. Hope to see you next Sunday. “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” -Jesus Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
We hope you can join the TC Family for our annual feast on Thanksgiving Day. Tamarindo Church will provide the Turkeys, and all we ask is that individuals and families pitch in on side dishes and desserts. We will be in touch soon on how you can contribute to the meal. Mark the date and time for now… and we hope you can join us!! ______________________________________________________
For those of you who don’t know this already, one of the local ministries we support is a ministry of one of our church members… Valerie Eschuck. Valeries ministry is called LAS PLAYAS FOOD BANK, and she currently brings food to 26 local families in need.
While Tamarindo Church regularly supports Las Playas Food Bank, during this month when we celebrate Thanksgiving, we are inviting our church and community to show extra thanks through generosity shown toward those in need in our community. Here are 3 easy ways that you can get involved.
1. Contribute Goceries- Food items that would be most helpful include rice, beans, oil, sugar, salt, coffee, soap, tooth brushes, canned tuna, toilet paper. If you shop at Mega Super in VIllareal, you can leave items in a donation box in Mega Super just after the checkout isle. Or bring items to Tamarindo Church on Sundays.
2. Contribute Financially- Make financial contributions at the T-shirt table in the back of the Church on Sunday, or make online contributions to Tamarindo Church, and shoot an email letting us know you’d like that contribution to go to the November Food Drive. info@tamarindochurch.com
3. Help Pack and deliver Items- This is going to be a lot of food, and Val could definitely use some help. Val will be using the donations to buy and pack items on Tuesday, November 25th. And she will be delivering the items on Wednesday November 26th. If you would like to get “hands on” in helping, please contact Valerie Eschuck at
Cell: 8895-0410 Email: ValeriesFoods@gmail.com
Thank you!
Tamarindo Church is kicking off it’s first ever YOUTH GROUP. The first and third Sundays of every month, 6-12th graders are invited to come hang out for pizza, pool, and bible study at the home of Carolyn Herman.
Stay updated on the latest with TC Youth at our Facebook Page. Click Here for Youth FB Page
For directions or more information, feel free to contact:
Carolyn Herman- ckhermanfam@gmail.com
Megan Ward- meg.k.ward@gmail.com
Meeting every Friday night from 5:45-7:30, Kidz Club rocks it for kids ages 5-12. Come join in the fun, games, activities, snacks, music and learn about how much God loves them. Great date night opportunity for the parents too!!!
We are still working out the details, but we are working out the details right now for our next mission Trip to Nicaragua. We will be headed to Nicaragua on Januray 26th- January 30th. Cost will be $325/person which will include all transportation, food, and lodging. If you are interested in joining us or would like to know more about the trip, please contact Pastor Lyle atlyletamarindo@gmail.com. If you would like to contribute toward our efforts of building homes, distributing bags of food, or helping the nutrition center, let us know and we will direct you on how to do that. Space is limited, so let us know soon!!
Thursday, Nov. 27th- 5:00pm
Sunday, Dec. 7th- 1:00pm
Friday, Dec. 12th- 5:30pm
Wednesday, Dec. 24th- 5:00pm
January 26-30. |
~ WOMEN’S GROUP– NOTE: Time Change beginning in October. Tuesdays@12noon-1:30pm Meetings are at the Watson’s home. For more info contact Stacey staceycostarica@aol.com ~ MEN’S GROUP– Wednesdays @ 8:00am Come join us on Wednesdays 8AM at Kahiki Restaurant in Tamarindo. If you would like to come early and hang out over breakfast or coffee, several of us meet early at 7:30. For more info contact pastor Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com ~ HOME GROUP– Playa Negra- Thursdays @ 1:00pm Meets at the home of Mike and Keilyn Krepin. For directions and further info, you can contact them at 2652-9270 orkeilyn07@hotmail.com |
October 2014 Update/Announcements
Hello Friends,It’s official… we are in rainy season, and it’s been great. For those of you who haven’t visited CR recently, Guanacaste had something of a drought this year. Many people went weeks with only occasional water supply, and there were a few Sundays when the church had none. So this rain is very much welcomed!!THE TEAM
Well…. the past month, we has had a number of exciting things take place. Earlier in September, we held our annualVolunteer Team meeting, which was preceded the day before by a Pastor Advisory Group meeting. During our time together, simply looking around and seeing all of the facesin the room was a testimony to what God has done in the past year. Last year… there were only 12 of us gathered. This year…. there were 19!! (not including 4 other volunteers who were unable to attend) Amazing… Praise God! During these meetings we took time to be thankful for all that God has done over the past year and to share the vision for what’s coming in the months ahead. Our time together was very encouraging, and I think we all left feeling pretty pumped up for what God has in store in these coming months… particularly with our KIDZ CLUB and Youth Group being launched. God has blessed Tamairindo Church with an awesome group of people who are committed to serving and leading our ministries, and we are grateful for how Jesus is building His church here in Tamarindo. Lastly, we’d like to say a special “thank you” to our friend Lisa who was kind enough to lend us her home for the weekend. Your home made for an awesome setting for these times of fellowship. Muchas Gracias!
NEW FACES AT CHURCHAs I mentioned earlier, we’ve been getting a lot of rainlately… and I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but with the recent rainswe’ve noticed that our church plant is growing… hmmmm??? Regardless of whether there is any connection with the rain, we can say we are grateful to see the church growing. Sundays have been packed over the past couple of weeks… and we are seeing a lot more involvement among children and youth. Our family of faith growing, God’s kingdom is being furthered in our community, and this is encouraging for all of us to see.
To catch up on more going on at Tamarindo Church, be sure to continue reading as there are a number of things going on this month that we hope you will be a part of. Thank you to all of you who continue to participate in the life of our church. We hope to see you this Sunday!…I will build my church,and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.– Jesus (Matt. 16:18)Grace and Peace to you,Lyle & Stacey
UPCOMING EVENTSPizza Fellowship- This Sunday, October 5thJoin us after Church for hanging out, pizza, and a swim in the pool at Monkey Bar/Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas. Don’t forget your bathing suit. Hope to see you there!Directions: Drive toward Tamarindo. You will see Best Western Vista Villas and Monkey Bar on your left.______________________________KIDS CLUB!!! – Friday Nights @ Tamarindo ChurchKids K-5th grade are invited to a night of music, games & fun ending with a message from the bible. Come join the fun! All are Welcome!Date: Friday, September 26thTime: 5:45-7:30Place: Tamarindo ChurchCost: Free!For more info @ www.kidzclubtamarindo.com_________________________________________________YOUTH GROUP!!! – Sunday, October 5thTamarindo Church is kicking off it’s first ever YOUTH GROUP. This Sunday, 6-12th graders are invited to come hang out for pizza, pool, and bible study at the home of Carolyn Herman.Date: Sunday, October 30thTime: 6:30-8:00pmPlace: Home of Carolyn Herman (Tamarindo)For directions or more information, feel free to contact:Carolyn Herman- ckhermanfam@gmail.com8598-8929orMegan Ward- meg.k.ward@gmail.com
~ WOMEN’S GROUP–NOTE: Time Change beginning in October.Tuesdays@12noon-1:30pmMeetings are at the Watson’s home. For more info contact Stacey staceycostarica@aol.com~ MEN’S GROUP– Wednesdays @ 8:00amCome join us on Wednesdays 8AM at Kahiki Restaurant in Tamarindo. If you would like to come early and hang out over breakfast or coffee, several of us meet early at 7:30. For more info contact pastor Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com~ HOME GROUP– Playa Negra- Thursdays @12 noonMeets on Thursdays at 1:00pm at the home of Mike and Keilyn. For directions and further info, you can contact them at 2652-0567 or keilyn07@hotmail.com
YWAM Mission Trip to Honduras- Oct. 25-31Our friends Diego and Sala at Youth With a Mission, Nicoya, are leading a Mission Trip to Honduras. They trip will be at the end of October, and they are inviting folks from Tamarindo Church who might want to come along and serve. All ages are welcome to participate. Below you will find basic information about the trip. For more details, contact Sala at sala@pampa.fi or through their website www.ywamguanacaste.com
- Date: October 25-31
- Destination: Siguapeteque, Honduras
- Projects: construction, music & prison ministry.
- Cost: $250 includes transportation, food and lodging.
September 2014 Update/Announcements
Hello Friends,
Well… It seems summer has come to an end, school is back in, and it’s great to have most everyone back at church with us again. And in addition to our regulars, I’d also like to say “welcome” to the new visitors and families that have joined us over the past few weeks. As the school year begins, we’d like to give families out there a little nudge of encouragement to make a commitment of being with us at church on Sundays. Not because we want to fill seats, but because for families, we know that this is the time of year when life can quickly fill up with work and school-related activities, and so it’s a good thing to make choices about your “non-negotiables” up front… before everything else begins to crowd into your schedule. In addition, as we all know… it’s times when we are most busy that we most need to stay connected to God. Making this “up front” commitment to be involved in the life of the church on a regular basis is one of the best ways we can to do just that.
Lastly, I just wanted to mention that I recently taught a sermon series on the Mission Statement of Tamarindo Church. For those who have been out of town or who are new to the church… if you want to know more about the heart of why our church is here in Tamarindo and what we are about, you can listen to this sermon series on our website. And I guess this is a good opportunity to mention as well… that all of our Sunday sermons are available on our website on our Sermons page. So if you happen to miss a Sunday with us, you can always catch up with our sermons online.
Please continue reading below for information on what’s coming up this month at Tamarindo Church. And thank you all for your continued prayers, support and involvement in the life of Tamarindo Church. We hope to see you next Sunday!
Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
Join us after Church for hanging out, pizza, and a swim in the pool at Monkey Bar/Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas. Don’t forget your bathing suit. Hope to see you there!
Directions: Drive toward Tamarindo. You will see Best Western Vista Villas and Monkey Bar on your left. __________________________________________________
This September we will be kicking off our first ever “Kids Club” at Tamarindo Church. Kids K-6th graders are welcome to a night of music, games & fun ending with a message from the bible. More info to come as the date approaches!
Date: Friday, September 26th
Time: 5:30-7:00
Place: Tamarindo Church
Cost: Free!
~ WOMEN’S GROUP– Wednesdays @ 9:30AM Meetings are at the Watson’s home. For more info contact Stacey staceycostarica@aol.com ~ MEN’S GROUP– Wednesdays @ 8:00am Come join us on Wednesdays 8AM at Kahiki Restaurant in Tamarindo. If you would like to come early and hang out over breakfast or coffee, several of us meet early at 7:30. For more info contact pastor Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com ~ HOME GROUP– Playa Negra- Thursdays @12 noon Meets on Thursdays at 1:00pm at the home of Mike and Keilyn. For directions and further info, you can contact them at 2652-0567 or keilyn07@hotmail.com |
August 2014 Update/Announcements
TC Update/Announcements June 2015
Hello Friends,
This past month we had a couple of significant events that are worth filling you in on. First was our mission trip to Nicaragua.Thank you for your prayers and to all who were able to donate toward the trip. We all returned safely, and during this trip we were able to distribute bags of food to 350 households, build 4 homes, and help a local feeding center that feeds 150-250 kids a day. These projects are what we typically do on our trips up there, but God definitely did something new on this past trip. There were so many ideas thrown out for what we ought to do on “the next trip” that I could barely keep up. For this reason, I’ve nicknamed our group, “The Activists”. We are now taking some of those idea and working toward making them happen. Basically,we are concentrating on helping the local church there in ways that will help the community develop and sustain itself. Things that are already in motion are.
These kinds of things were already on the radar for the local church that we partner with there… El Faro Church… and we are thankful for the opportunity to help them serve their community in these ways.
The second event worth mentioning was the women’s retreat that took place last weekend in Playa Flamingo. This year, our church was blessed with the use of a beautiful beach home where 14 ladies spent Friday- Sunday together.From the feedback I got from several of the ladies, it was awesome! Great teaching, meaningful worship, and heartfelt vulnerability and sharing in times of prayer. It is times like these where God moves in special ways that help foster a deeper sense of connection and community in the church, and we are so thankful for this. Thank you to all who helped make this event happen, and a special thanks you Lisa for lending us your home!
And thank you all for your continued prayers and support of Tamarindo Church.
Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
Join us after Church for hanging out, pizza, and a swim in the pool at Monkey Bar/Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas. Don’t forget your bathing suit. Hope to see you there!
Directions: Drive toward Tamarindo. You will see Best Western Vista Villas and Monkey Bar on your left. __________________________________________________
Friday, June 13
July 29th- August 1st.
You won’t regret making this trip! Surfing, hiking, fishing, spear fish, etc. Mark your calendars now… cost is only $125. In addition to the activities we will also be going through a video series of speakers from the 2012 Men’s “NO REGRETS” conference. Space is limited, so contact Lyle if you would like to reserve your spot. lyletamarindo@gmail.com
Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us. On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You! Church Building/Equipment
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation. If you would like your donation to go specifically toward a wish list item, please email us to let us know. info@tamarindochurch.com
TC Update/Announcement May 2014
Hello Friends,
Looking back on April one highlight worth mentioning was our Easter Service where we had about 100 adults and 40 kids in gathered in celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. I said to Lydia… our children’s church director, “Forty kids… that’s awesome!” And right after saying that, I said… man, that’s a lot of kids to keep try and keep engaged for an hour!” And she agreed. But how cool was that?!
We followed up the the service with an Easter cookout hosted at the home of Derick and Angeline Smith. Great food, great fellowship, and great hospitality made for a fun time for all. Kids swam in the pool and jumped in the bounce house, while adults shared conversation and a meal together. Thank you Derick and Angeline for hosting! And thanks to all who helped behind the scenes with tables, tents, chairs etc.
A second highlight in April worth mentioning is the number of Christian families and couples that we are meeting who are either moving to Tamarindo…. or are considering a move to Tamarindo. Our volunteer team has been praying that the Lord would raise up 5 couples or individuals who might be involved in serving with us, and it is neat to see God starting to answer that prayer. We know that impacting our community for Christ is going to take more than just the 12 or so of us that are currently serving. And as God continues to build a core group of people serving, we are excited to see what God has in store. Whenever I see this kind of momentum starting to happen, I get excited as I get the feeling God is preparing to move in new ways.
Lastly… I would like to ask for your prayers as we head up to Nicaragua for our mission trip this coming week. We are excited for what God has in store as we serve. Whenever we head up to Nicaragua, I love seeing how God is moving in so many ways up there through His Church. There are so many Christian ministries, orphanages, feeding centers, local churches etc. And for me, this is one of the places where I believe we see God’s Church at it’s best… pouring out mercy, compassion, and sharing the gospel in word and action. Please pray for our safety as we travel and serve, and please pray that God would be glorified through our service to those in need. I also would like to say THANK YOU to the many who have contributed financially toward this trip. We have actually received donations amounting to more than the cost for the projects that we planned to do… and this simply means there will be an overflow of blessings to extend to those we are helping. Thank you!
The things that God is doing in and through Tamarindo Church could not happen with out all of you. So again, thank you all for the ways you support, encourage and participate in the life of our church. Thank you for your partnership with us in sharing the gospel. Hope to see you Sunday!
Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
Join us after Church for hanging out, pizza, and a swim in the pool at Monkey Bar/Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas. Don’t forget your bathing suit. Hope to see you there!
Directions: Drive toward Tamarindo. You will see Best Western Vista Villas and Monkey Bar on your left.
Ladies… mark your calendars for the last weekend in May. May 30-June 1st to be exact. More details are on the way… but will be limited space for staying overnight so make your reservation soon. Cost is $75. If you have any questions for now.. contact Stacey Watson!
For those of you who didn’t know, we postponed the April Men’s Getaway, and our new date is set at for July 29th- August 1st. You won’t regret making this trip! Surfing, hiking, fishing, spear fish, etc. Mark your calendars now… cost is only $125.
Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us. On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You!
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation. If you would like your donation to go specifically toward a wish list item, please email us to let us know. info@tamarindochurch.com
TC Update/Announcement April 2014
Hello Friends,
The month of March was an exciting month as we had a couple of visits to our church from abroad. On March 9th, the General Secretary of the International Baptist Convention, Jimmy Martin, visited our church all the way from Frankfurt, Germany. Jimmy was on a tour of sorts visiting churches in Central and South America, and this was a great opportunity to invite him to come and see what God is up to out in Tamarindo. Stacey and I were very encouraged by our time with Jimmy and his wife Laurie, and we are thankful for Jimmy’s message shared with our congregation on Sunday during their visit. Thank you Jimmy and Laurie!
A second visit to Tamarindo Church on March 23rd came from a 30 member choral group that had come all the way from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’m pretty sure that this was the first time ever that Tamarindo has had choral group come to perform. Choral music is not our usual style of worshipping God at TC, but that morning I was moved to tears at least a couple of times during worship. As they sang, the room was filled in a powerful way with voices of praise to our Savior and God… and I could really feel God’s presence. It was awesome! Thank you Core Celebration Choir!
Lastly, I’d just like to mention our mission trip to Nicaragua that we will be doing in the beginning of May. We are only 4 weeks away and we are just about $1,500 shy of reaching the $5,500 needed to allow us to:
So here is my last minute ask to those of you who have a heart for this kind of ministry. If you would like to make a contribution to help us meet this goal, you can either bring your donation to church… or simply click here to find instructions on how to make an online donation to Tamarindo Church. After making your online donation, please email us to let us know that you would like your donation to go specifically toward the mission trip.info@tamarindochurch.com Thank you all for the many ways you continue support the ministry of Tamarindo Church. Hope to see you next Sunday! And for those abroad, Happy Easter! He is Risen! Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
Join us after Church on April 6th for hanging out, pizza, and a swim in the pool at Monkey Bar/Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas. Don’t forget your bathing suit. Hope to see you there!
Directions: Drive toward Tamarindo. You will see Best Western Vista Villas and Monkey Bar on your left. __________________________________________________ Come Celebbrate Easter- Sunday, April 20th
Come Celebrate Easter Sunday with us! 10 AM @ Tamarindo Church. Remember… Easter Sunday is one of those times of year when non-church goers are actually most open to coming along. So be sure to extend an invite to some of your non-churchgoing friends!
Please keep us in prayer as Tamarindo Church will be leading a group up to Nicaragua to help serve the poor in the community of Cristo Rey, Tipitapa. Please pray for our safety, and that God would be glorified through our service to the people there. If you have any questions regarding the trip contact Lyle Watson. __________________________________________________
Just a heads up to the ladies… Women’s Group has will be meeting on Wednesdays from 9-10:30. staceycostarica@aol.com
Ladies… mark your calendars for the last weekend in May. May 30-June 1st to be exact. More details are on the way… but will be limited space for staying overnight so make your reservation soon. If you have any questions for now.. contact Stacey Watson!
Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us. On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You!
Church Building/Equipment
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation. If you would like your donation to go specifically toward a wish list item, please email us to let us know. info@tamarindochurch.com
TC Update/Announcement March 2014
Hello Friends,
It’s only been a couple of weeks since the last update but a lot has been going on with Tamarindo Church, and there’s a lot coming up on the Calendar for March. Keep reading below to catch up on the latest. ~ Lima, Peru- International Baptist Convention/FICLA
During the last week of February, I (Lyle) went Lima, Peru for meeting of pastors who are part of FICLA (Federation of International Churches in Latin America. Pastors, wives and from Sau Paulo Brazil, Panama City,A great time of fellowship and encouragement was had by all.ors, wives and from Sau Paulo Brazil, Panama City, During our time there, our group conductedh one another…..
~ Nicaragua Service Trip From February 17-21, Lyle, Mike and Charles volunteered to * building 4 houses * distributing 300 bags of food * visit with about 20 children from a local orphanage * paint chairs and tables at a local school As always… the locals, pastors and ministry leaders there were very blessed by the generosity and compassion poured out to them. It was a life-changing experience for these students that I’m sure they will never forget. CLICK HERE to view the blog that the students wrote during their time in Nicaragua.
~ Marriage Course
This Wednesday we will be hosting our final session of the Marriage Course at Tamarindo Church. I am confident that all who attended would say that we have all been challenged and blessed in our marriages as a result of the time we’ve invested. Thank you to all who worked behind the scenes to host the event with set up, break downs, and delicious meals!
~ Memorial Service- Larry Albright
This past month, a memorial service was held for one of our recent regulars at Tamarindo Church, Larry Albright. Over the past several years while pastor at Beach Community Church, I had the privilege of performing his baptism as well as his wedding. Larry’s heart and life had really been changed by the love of God in Christ over the past few years. During his memorial we were able to celebrate all that God had done so late in his life. Larry’s life was a great testimony of the power God’s love and grace that brings new life. We will miss Larry, but we celebrate that he is now with the Lord.
Thank you all for your prayers, generosity and encouragement that makes Tamarind Church possible. See you this Sunday!
Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
Tamarindo Church is planning a mission Trip to Nicaragua this May, and we are hoping to bring a team of 10-15 people with us to serve the needs of Nicaragua. Our goal will be to build 4 houses, distribute clothes and food, and help serve and fund a local feeding center. The cost will be $275. If you have any interest in joining us on this trip, please contact Pastor Lyle Watson to let him know. lylewatso@gmail.com __________________________________________________
Over the past several months Tamarindo Church has been blessed with a number of new families and children attending Tamarindo Church. It has been awesome to see these children learning at such a young age about God and his love for them. But along with this recent increase in attendance we are finding a need for more parents to get involved. If your children are participating in children’s we ask that you prayerfully consider assisting our children’s ministry leaders once a month. Please contact Lydia Ahrens at lydahrens@live.com for more information on how to get involved.
Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us. On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You! Church Building/Equipment
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation. If you would like your donation to go specifically toward a wish list item, please email us to let us know. info@tamarindochurch.com
TC Update/Announcement February 2014
Hello Friends,
So we are in full swing of high season here at Tamarindo church with many new visitors, seasonal guests and tourists coming to worship with us. It’s so great to meet people from all over the world who have such a commitment to the Lord that they would worship with us while on vacation. Many have been visiting our weekly bible studies, and it really has made for some great times of sharing in the word. ~ Tamarindo Church’s One-Year Anniversary This past month, Tamarindo Church celebrated it’s one-year anniversary. During our worship together, we thanked God for His faithfulness during our first year of ministry. We also thanked the many volunteers, prayer warriors, and financial contributors who have have been essential to the existence of Tamarindo Church. Our hope and prayer is that Tamarindo Church will be a “game-changer” for the Tamarindo community… advancing God’s kingdom into the lives of those we come in contact with for years to come. And may Christ be glorified in all of it!
~ Marriage Course
This month we also launched our first ever Marriage Course at Tamarindo church. There have been 7-9 couples meeting every Wednesday night to invest in their marriages. Our hope is that marriages will be blessed, and that events like these will serve as a bridge to the community… that as we serve the community in this way, God’s love and concern for them and their families would shine through. Thank you to all the volunteers who are making this event possible… especially to the amazing cooks who have been making the super-delicious dinners and desserts!!
Other than this… we have just been very thankful to God for how things have been unfolding for Tamarindo Church this high season. We are having higher attendance than ever, and we are blessed to have such a great team serving with us. Please read further below for more info on what’s coming up on the calendar. Thank you all for your your prayers and support.
Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
This month, Pastor Lyle will be headed to Lima, Peru to meet with other pastors and staff in Central and South America who are part of the International Baptist Convention. During their time in Lima, they will be sharing in a time of learning and encouragement as well as doing a feasibility study of Lima to see if Lima might be fertile ground for the planting of an international church for English-speakers. Please pray that all would leave this time encouraged and refreshed for ministry.. and that God would give us wisdom and discernment as we seek His guidance regarding the possibility of planting a church in Lima in the future.
Tamarindo Church is planning a mission Trip to Nicaragua this May, and we are hoping to bring a team of 10-15 people with us to serve the needs of Nicaragua. Our goal will be to build 4 houses, distribute clothes and food, and help serve and fund a local feeding center. The cost will be $275. If you have any interest in joining us on this trip, please contact Pastor Lyle Watson to let him know. lylewatso@gmail.com
Also, please keep Pastor Lyle in prayer as he is helping to lead a team of 9 students from a local high-school to Nicaragua next week (Feb. 16-22) on a service trip. They will serving the poor. Please pray for protection over the entire team, and that these students’ hearts would be touched by God through what they experience during their time there.
Mark your Calendars!
We recently added a prayer request page to the Tamarindo Church site as a way for you to share your prayer requests with us.
You also have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You! Church Building/Equipment
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation. If you would like your donation to go specifically toward a wish list item, please email us to let us know. info@tamarindochurch.com
TC Update/Announcement January 2014
Hello Friends,
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a fun and meaningful time over Christmas and bringing inthe new year with family and friends. On Christmas Eve at Tamarindo Church, we had a great time celebrating thebirth of Christ with about 170 friends and visitors from the community! Without a doubt, this is the most people we’ve ever had under our roof at one time… and we we so grateful to have had the opportunity and privilege of sharing the “good new” of Christmas with them. “THANK YOU” to all who participated in the event with everything from setting up, music, baking, cooking, decor, cleaning up, publicity, etc. And a special thanks to the YWAM team who came to help in so many ways. We couldn’t have done it without you.
In addition to our Christmas Eve service, earlier in the month,45 of us from Tamarindo Church and the community enjoyed an afternoon sailing aboard the Marlin Del Rey catamaran together. It was a great time of fellowship and fun together. Thank you Father for allowing us to enjoy that afternoon in your creation.
We want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have participated in our pledge drive for 2014. So far we have received $37,160 in pledges toward our goal of raising $50,000. This put us only $12,840 shy our having our needs met. If you would like to help us close the gap on this shortfall simply CLICK HERE for information on how to make your donation.
At this point, we will move forward into 2014 praying and trusting that God will meet our needs as we go. Thanks again to those of you who have been able to help us get this far!
Thank you to all of you for the ways that you have participated in the life of our church. Your prayers, giving, attendance, participation and encouraging words are deeply appreciated. We pray this coming year brings to all of us… a deeper appreciation of God’s immeasurable love for us in Jesus, and that this love moves us all to a deeper devotion and faithfulness to Him.
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
~ Ephesians 3:17-19
Grace and Peace to you,
Lyle & Stacey
Sunday, January 19th
Last year, on Sunday, January 13th, Tamarindo Church was officially “launched”. It was on that Sunday that we began hosting weekly Sunday services, and Looking back at all that God has done in the past year we have much to celebrate and be thankful for. If you are in town, come join us onJanuary 19th as we celebrate our first year in this adventure as Tamarindo Church!
We will be gathering after church (12:00 noon) at theMonkey Bar at Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas for pizza. There is a great pool there, so bring swimsuits for yourself or the kids if you like.
The Course will meet on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. Childcare provided for free. Cost is $80/couple and includes: course materials, 7 dinners/desserts, and childcare. Register by January 10th by contacting Stacey Watson staceycostarica@aol.com Sessions will include….
For further information… CLICK HERE
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change that has taken place in your heart in your relationship with God. More specifically, it is for those who have made a decision to trust in Jesus as the forgiver of our their sins, and who have made a commitment to grow as a lifelong follower of him. If you have recently made this decision and are interested in being baptized, OR if would simply like to learn more about baptism, please contact pastor Lyle to let him know. lyle@tamarindochurch.com To learn more about baptism Click Here. |
We recently added a prayer request page to the Tamarindo Church site as a way for you to share your prayer requests with us.
You also have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You!
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation.
TC Update/Announcement December 2013
Hello Friends,
Wow… it’s hard to believe that December is already here. For those of us in Tamarindo, this means getting ready for the “high season” when tourists come visiting again and the snow birds return to escape the cold winter months up north. Over the past few weeks it has been great to see so many seasonal residents return, and to also catch up with friends who make their visits this time of the year. Last month we spent time connecting with the community inside and outside of the church. TC had another fun filled “Movie Night” that attracted lots of kids, “Beach Day” after church to continue the fellowship of Sunday Service and a great “Pizza Pool Party”. Tamarindo Church has been living out a call that the Lord put on our heart recently… and that is “hospitality and grace, leading to truth, that transforms lives”. We are really living life in community and fostering authentic relationships that we pray God will use to build a FAMILY of faith called Tamarindo Church. Last week, over 70 folks came out to celebrate Thanksgiving at the church, a night filled with friendship and a spirit of thankfulness to God for his sustenance and provision in our lives. We’d like to say a special thank you to the team of volunteers who came out to decorate, set up, and break down for the event. The church looked beautiful and a the decor made for a warm and welcoming environment for our guests. Thank You! Both Men’s and Women’s Bible Study’s are getting traction. We are pleased with the turnout and depth that these studies are producing. Mostly it is exciting to see men and women growing in their faith and understanding the relevance of God and His word in their daily lives . As we move into December, we are looking forward to our Christmas Eve Service. Last year, we had a packed house on Christmas Eve with over 100 in attendance for worship…. and we hadn’t even started having weekly services!!! So we are excited to see what the turn out will be this Christmas Eve. Hopefully we will say many new visitors from the community checking out the church. Also in December…. actually THIS SUNDAY, we are looking forward to our Sailing Day aboard the Marlin Del Rey. Hopefully many of you will be able to join us for the afternoon of fellowship, fun and sailing. See below for details. Lastly, we wanted to give you an update on how we are doing so far with our fundraising for 2014. We are off to a great start with $35,000 pledged toward our goal of $50,000 committed in the form of pledges. Thank you for considering us in your ministry of giving in 2014, and thanks so much to those of you who have already made your pledge!
May the Christmas season draw us all to a deeper appreciation of God’s love for our world. And may your time spent with family and loved ones be blessed. Merry Christmas!
Grace and Peace,
Lyle & Stacey
Just a reminder that this SUNDAY is our annual Sailing Day aboard the Marlin Del Rey Catamaran. This event is open to you all and to any guests you would like to invite along. The best part of this is that we get a super-discounted rate. See below for details.We need to know by Wednesday how many people will be going, so please let us know ASAP if you plan to come.
Date: Sunday, December 8th
Cost: $30 adults, $15 age 12 and under.
Includes: sailing, free drinks and food, snorkeling gear, use of sea kayaks, and a beautiful sunset as we sail back into Tamarindo.
Departure: We will leave from Tamarindo Beach 50 meters south of Nogui’s at 1PM.
Return: at Sunset… about 5:30.
We hope you can join us!!! For more information, contact Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com ______________________________________
Tamarindo Church is participating in a food drive to help local families in need. If you would like to contribute, please view the items below for ideas of what to give. There will be a collection basket in church every Sunday where items can be placed. For more information contact: Valerie Eschuk- 2653-0045/8895-0410 valeriesfoods@yahoo.com. 2 kilos of rice 1 kilo of beans salt 1 medium oil 1 package of coffee cornflour 1 kilo sugar tomato sauce consume maggi seasoning spagetti tuna cereal avena milk bath soap bleach toilet paper tooth paste clothing shoes powdered ______________________________________
THE MARRIAGE COURSE- Starts January 15th
All in the community are invited to participate in our upcoming Marriage Course….
On Thanksgiving day over 70 of us gathered at Tamarindo Church for a feast of thanks. Thank you to all who set up, decorated, cooked, cleaned etc. Pictures from the event are available for viewing on our Facebook site. CLICK HERE to to t our site.
We recently added a prayer request page to the Tamarindo Church site as a way for you to share your prayer requests with us.
You also have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You!
Church Building/Equipment
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation.
TC Update/Announcement November 2013
Hello Friends,
Well… we have had an exciting month at Tamarindo Church. The first thing we’d like to do is welcome two new members to our church. Baby Mauricio Solis Duran who was born this week on October 29th to Silvia and Luisma. And welcome also to baby Cienna Jo Otto who was also born this week on Oct 28th to Heinz and Nova. Earlier this month on October 12th we celebrated with these moms and another mom, Bronwyn Symes who is also expecting, by hosting an unprecidented triple-baby showerat Tamarindo Church. Many women from the community came out to celebrate and had a great time playing games, praying over these moms and their babies, and of course sharing in some delicious treats! We praise God for these precious ones He has blessed us with. We pray God’s grace and blessings on them and their families. Another significant event for Tamarindo Church this month was a trip that Andy (a member of our Pastor Advisory Group) and I (Lyle) took to Sofia, Bulgaria. We went there to attend the annual meeting of the International Baptist Convention, a fellowship of International English-speaking churches. During this meeting we were able to meet with the pastors of many other churches that are involved in the organization, and more excitingly… our church was “officially” voted in as an associate member of the convention. (Find out more about the IBC and our time in Bulgaria further on in this email.)
What I’d like to share with you at this point in the letter is one of the highlights of our trip to Bulgaria. And that is… during out time in Sofia, we were able to take a day trip to visit the ancient city of Philippi in Greece. Traveling there and back from Sofia in one day made for a long day, but it was very much worth the trip. While in Philippi, we stood in the center of the ancient ruins of this city. To know that we were walking in the same ground that Paul walked on 2000 years ago when he brought the gospel to Philippi was pretty amazing to consider. As you can imagine, the stories of Paul and Silas’ journey through Philippi took on a whole new life.
Philippi is where Lydia, the dealer in purple cloth, was converted to Christianity She was the first convert to Christianity in Europe. This is also where Paul and Silas cast a spirit out of a woman who had a spirit that allowed her to foretell the future…. and because of this they were subsequently stripped, beaten with rods, and imprisoned (Acts 16). As the story goes, this is when an earthquake took place while they were in prison. During this earthquake the prison doors flew open, and their chains fell off…. leading to the prison guard and his family responding to the gospel and being baptized.
What a rich and powerful legacy of faith we have through people like Paul and Silas. Thank God for their faithfulness as they brought the gospel to the west. I imagine they could not have dreamed that the message they were carrying would one day make it as far west as to impact the lives of a community of people in a small fishing village in Costa Rica called “Tamarindo”. Stories like theirs are still happening today. People are still responding to the hope of the gospel. People are still finding hope in Christ and families are still being baptized under the name of Jesus. What a joy and privilege we count it to be proclaiming the same message of God’s love, forgiveness and salvation to our town that Paul was preaching so long ago. Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we reach out to our community with the hope of the gospel.
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…
~Philippians 1:3-5
Grace and Peace,
Lyle & Stacey
We just found out that Monkey bar’s pizza oven is broken (bummer)…..
so in place of meeting at Monkey Bar this Sunday, we will be meeting on the beach in Tamarindo.
This time of gathering is meant to be a time for us to just connect and get to know one another outside of our time together on Sunday mornings. So come on out to the beach and join us. You can find us by looking for the goofy group with
the big red tent.
Bring your lunch, snacks, lawn chairs, boards, sunscreen, etc… and come join us for some fun. Hope to see you there!
We had such a great time last month, we are going to do it again! Come on out for a movie, an ice cream sundae bar, and just hanging out. There is no cost for admission. The movie this time will be Finding Nemo. All in the community are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there!
Date: Friday, November 8th
Time: 6:00pm
Place: Tamarindo Church
Cost: FREE
THANK YOU! First of all, we want to say a huge THANK YOU to all who have contributed financially to the ministry of Tamarindo Church over the past year. Whether you have been giving during the offerings on Sundays, or through online giving…. Thank you!
Because of your generosity, Tamarindo Church has made a huge difference in people’s lives in Tamarindo in 2013. For those of you who have been with us from the beginning of this church plant, we know you are already up to date on what God has been up to as you have been receiving our monthly newsletters. But for those of you who are new to Tamarindo Church, we want to invite you to check out an archive of our update letters that we’ve post on our blog site by clicking HERE . God has been on the move in our community, and none of this would have been possible without your generosity and partnership in our ministry. Thank you!
As we look to the year ahead, if you haven’t done so already, we are hoping that many of you will consider partnering with us financially as we continue in planting Tamarindo Church. Planting this church will be a 3-5 year process… and we would be grateful for your help.
Two weeks from now we will be sending out follow up email which will include an update on how finances faired in 2013 and what our financial needs will be for 2014. In the mean time, we ask that you take time to prayerfully consider partnering with us in our efforts to plant Tamarindo Church. You can learn more about our mission, vision, context, and what we’ve been up by clicking the following links to our website and blog.
Thank you in advance for considering us in your ministry of giving this coming year. We’ll be in touch soon!
Do You Believe God
or do you just believe in Him?
Join us in this cool bible adventure where we will learn that God has a lot to say to us about who HE is, who we are, and the plan He has for our lives. We will be led by bible teacher Beth Moore in a powerful video series that will be the basis for our discussion. All women are welcome to come and explore together what believing God means for us! All are welcome.
Start Date: Friday, November 8th
Time: 12-1:15pm
Place: The Watson’s home
Cost: fee for lunch if you order out, otherwise bring your own
Contact: staceycostarica@aol.com
Starting Thursday, November 7th, our men’s group will start meeting at a new location.
Time: 8:00am
Place: Kahiki’s Restaurant, Tamarindo
(On the left on your way to Langosta)
What to bring: bible
Breakfast: If you’d like to grab breakfast beforehand with some of the guys, come at 7:30 for a time of hanging out and fellowship.
All are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there!
As mentioned above in the intro of this monthly update, Andy and I (Lyle) were able to attend the annual meeting of the IBC in Sofia, Bulgaria this month. Part of our attendance at this meeting was that we wanted to meet other pastors of member churches in this organization. But in addition, it was at this meeting that Tamarindo Church was being “officially” voted in as an associate member church
of the convention. This picture to the right was taken just after the vote which made Tamarindo Church an associate member of the IBC. What you see in the picture is the current president and the former president the IBC taking time to pray for me and for our church.
Our involvement with the International Baptist Convention is based primarily on our desire to belong to a fellowship of churches that has a heart that beats to the same tune as ours…. which means that it has a heart for reaching International, English-speaking populations across the globe with the gospel. We are thankful for the encouragement and support that we’ve received from the IBC thus far, and we look forward to how our relationship with the IBC will develop over the coming years.
This past week, Tamarindo Church hosted a team from the YWAM base (Youth With A Mission) in San Jose, Costa Rica. The team spent the week distributing bibles to surrounding local communities as part of their mission to offer a bible to every household in Costa Rica. While using our church as a base for lodging and meals, they also blessed our church by giving a face lift to our Children’s Church room and our Nursery room. The new paint job should make the rooms a little lighter and brighter for the kids, and even more inviting to play in. Thank you YWAM!
We recently added a prayer request page to the Tamarindo Church site as a way for you to share your prayer requests with us.
You also have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You!
Children’s Ministry
Church Building/Equipment
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation.
TC Update/Announcement September 2013
Hello Friends,
We recently got back from vacation in the U.S. visiting family and friends in Knoxville, Asheville and Virginia Beach. While in the U.S., thanks to our parents, our family was able to enjoy many of the things we don’t get down here in Costa Rica… like days on the lake fishing, wave runners and boat rides…. and afternoons spent at the water park, the zoo or catching matinee movies. It was a great time getting to see and catch up with family and friends. These times always seem too short, and we are looking forward to next year already. One highlight of our trip was having the opportunity to attend the Willow Creek Leadership Summit. My former home church, Spring Branch Community Church in Virginia Beach, was serving as a host site. The event included some real movers and shakers who spoke primarily on issues of leadership. with The line up speakers ranged from Colin Powell & Patrick Lencioni to Brene Brown & Andy Stanley. So much good stuff to take in, and we are still processing it all. We’d like to say “Thank you” to Spring Branch CC for their generosity to us and our ministry in not only giving us complementary tickets for this event over the last three years, but they recently came on board to support us financially as church plant here in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. Thank you Spring Branch! As we are now back in CR, we have hit the ground running. The kids are in their first year of enrollment at Country Day School, so there is a lot of adjustment in schedule and daily routine going on for all of us. We are thankful for the opportunity they have to attend there, and we look forward to getting connected to the community life that the school has to offer. We are hopeful as well that that our presence there might even bear some fruit in seeing families connect with Tamarindo Church. Please take time to read below as there are a number of upcoming events you will want know about. In addition… we also have an update on how our Summerfest outreach went in July. Thank you to all of you for your continued prayers and support of what God is doing here in our corner of Costa Rica. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Romans 15:13 Grace and Peace,
Lyle & Stacey
Rainy season is here… wondering what to do? Come on out for our Community Movie Night to be held at Tamarindo Church. There is no cost for admission, and it will be a movie that is appropriate for all ages.. so feel free to bring the kids if you like. All in the community are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there! Date: Friday, September 27th
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Tamarindo Church
Cost: FREE
We know Sunday at church doesn’t always provide the best setting for connecting and getting to know others in the church…. So once a month, as a way to connect, we have been gathering for lunch together at the Monkey Bar/Best Western Vista Villas. Come join us and hang out, grab some pizza… and take a dip in the pool if you like. Hope to see you there!
This month we will begin a seven-week, video based study on the book of Gideon led by Pricilla Schier.
Description: This study will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. In what ways do you feel insufficient? Those places create the greatest opportunity to experience the sufficiency of God. Instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, see them as the gifts that they are, given specifically and strategically by God to unlock the door of God’s strength.
Start Date: Wednesday, September 18th
Time: 11:30-12:45
Place: The Watson’s home
Cost: $13 for booklets
Booklets will be on sale at Church over the next two Sundays. Please contact Stacey Watson if you would like to be involved. staceycostarica@aol.com
Next month our men’s group will begin going through the book The Measure of a Man by Gene Getz.
Description: True masculinity isn’t measured by strength but by these 20 biblical guidelines drawn from the apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus. With ideas for real-life applications and words of inspiration, here is Gene’s greatest work- fully rewritten and updated to speak in the most practical terms to men from every generation.
Books will be available for purchase at church on Sundays for $10. Audio and Kindle versions are also available through Amazon.com. If you would like to participate in this group, please contact pastor Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com
Start Date: Thursday, October 3rd
Time: 6:00pm
Place: Tamarindo Church
We are considering hosting a church retreat in October at the Carolina Lodge. October is a great time of year togo because… while it may be rainy where we are, the weather up there is typically beautiful this time of year. Activities available at the lodge include (for free)
At this time, we are trying to get an idea of how many people would be interested in joining us. The retreat will be Friday the 11th through Sunday the 13th. And you could choose to join us on Friday through Sunday, or just overnight from Saturday to Sunday. IMPORTANT:
We do not have a cost yet as we are hoping to get a group rate, and the price will depend on how many people attend. If you are interested in attending, please email us to let us know so that we can get a count of how many people to expect. lyletamarindo@gmail.com
On July 13th Tamarindo Church hosted it’s first ever SUMMERFEST. The event was held in hopes of raising awareness about our church and as a demonstration of God’s love for families in our town… and I believe that is exactly what happened. “Thank you” to those who were praying for us. It was awesome! two-hundred kids came out for the event with their parents, and we had a fun-filled afternoon with families from our community. There were bounce houses, carnival games, prizes, a funny-photo booth and more. We even got over a hundred folks to do the Hokie-Pokie at the event… because ” that’s what it’s all about” of course. Okay… that’s not what it’s really all about. It’s all about seeing Jesus glorified and seeing lives transformed by his love, and so we pray that seeds were planted that day that we might see and bear fruit in the months and years to come.
This event could not have been pulled off without the help of Auburn Grace Church in California, and we cannot say thank you enough for their love and support. “THANK YOU” AGCC for your generosity toward our church and our community. In addition, an additional mission team from Scottsdale Bible Church came in to help staff the event as well. Thank you to all of you for loving our church and our community in the name of Christ! ______________________________________
There are a lot of people who travel to Costa Rica who would love to attend worship services while on vacation, but they aren’t aware that there is an English-speaking church in our area. You can help us get the word out about Tamarindo Church by 1. Like us on Facebook Just search Tamarindo Churchin the Facebook search window and you will find us. Click “Like”, and we’re good to go!
2. Give us a friendly review on Trip advisor. You have to love that slogan right?! Perfect for church…“get the truth. then go”. Just go towww.tripadvisor.com and enter “Tamarindo Church” in their search window. Thank you to those of you who have already given unsolicited reviews. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! ____________________________________
We recently added a prayer request page to the Tamarindo Church site as a way for you to share your prayer requests with us.
You also have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
Below is a WISH LIST of specific items needed for our ministry. If you would like to make a donation toward any particular items, please let us know. Thank You! Children’s Ministry
Church Building/Equipment
Thank you for your help! Click here for information on how to make your donation.
August 2013 Update/Announcements
July 2013 Update/Announcements
June 2013 Update/Announcements