TC Updates/Announcements- November 2019

Hey Friends,

We had a great month in October at Tamarindo Church (TC), and we have a lot to look forward to in the months to come. This past 

month the ladies gathered for the annual Fall women’s retreat where the ladies experienced an encouraging time together.  We also hosted a successful Movie Night outreach to kids and parents in the community in October.  Find out more about those events below, and be sure to scroll down to find out details on upcoming events you won’t want to miss.  These events include our Thanksgiving Gathering, Annual Sailing Day, Beach Baptism, Christmas Eve Service, and Nicaragua Mission Trip. And we also have a TC Business Directory coming out in the near future that we’d love to include your business in.  Please read below for more detailed info on all of these happenings at TC.


Thank you all for your prayers over our Women’s Retreat this past month.  The ladies had a great time together enjoying the beauty of God’s creation, closeness to God, and fellowship with each other.  A special thanks goes out to Mindy Stoms and Rita Conchran for leading the teaching, and to Elizabeth for leading in worship.  And thanks to the dads and husbands out there for holding down the fort and keeping the kids alive while the ladies were gone.

Tamarindo Church hosted a Movie Night/Date Night this past month as a way to serve and build relationships with families in our local community.  We know that being a parent can be tough at times, and we thought that the gift of “kid free” night to go on a date or just have a relaxing Friday night out with friends

would be a blessing to parents.  The event was well attended, and a great opportunity for meeting many new parents and kids.  In addition, we were able to collect contact information from parents, and to survey their interest in attending marriage courses and parenting courses that we may host in the near future.  Thank you to all who volunteered to help make this event a success!

MARK YOUR CALENDARAs we look to the months ahead be sure to read below about upcoming events and 

mark your calendars.  You can find out details about these events by scrolling down further down in the newsletter.  
~ Thanksgiving Gathering –
   Sunday, Nov 24th 

~ Annual Sailing Day- 
   Sunday, Dec 8th 
Baptism- Sunday, Dec  8th
~ Christmas Eve Service- Tues, Dec 24th
Nicaragua Mission Trip- Jan 25-Feb 1

Scroll down to find out more info on all of these events!

Pastor’s PerspectiveAs we roll into the coming months… we’ve got a lot happening at Tamarindo Church.  But one theme I’d like to highlight as we 

look at the calendar ahead is…. the opportunities for “easy invites”.  In other words… fun church events that you can easily and naturally extend to  your friends and/or neighbors who currently are not attending church.  The Thanksgiving Gathering is an “easy invite” to put out there… and a great way to show hospitality and engage people with our church family.  Another “easy invite” is our annual Sailing Day coming up in December.  Who doesn’t want to spend a day sailing?? And at 50% for adults, and 70% off for kids!  I hope that you will see these events not only as events for our church family to enjoy, but also as opportunities to engage your friends who don’t attend church… and get them one step closer to church community and to God.  And who knows?… Maybe if they attend one of these events, they might even feel more comfortable with the idea of  joining us for our Christmas Eve service in December when you invite them =).  You getting the picture here?  In the coming weeks, there are some great opportunities for “easy invites” to engage our friends and neighbors with the church family.   I encourage you all to pray and ask God to show you who he would have you invite and bring along to Thanksgiving, or to Sailing Day, or to Christmas Eve Service.  Pray that God would open your eyes to see others through His eyes, and that God would open doors to make these “easy invites” to those you know.  As the Apostle Paul wrote…
And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ
Colossians 4:3 During this Thanksgiving and Christmas season, let’s be in prayer together as a church… praying  that God would open doors for us to share our faith with others… and that he would direct us in who to engage and invite to these upcoming events.

Lyle & Stacey

Sunday November 24th

CLICK HERE and you will be taken to the “Sign Up Zone” website where you can sign up to let us know what side dish or dessert you will be bringing.  Thanks for pitching in to make it a fun and delicious event! 

Do you own or operate a business in or near Tamarindo? If so, why not include your business information in our brand new TC Business Directory! We plan to have hard copies to hand out to church members and interested visitors, as well as a digital copy available online. CLICK HEREto fill out the form online, or fill out a form on Sunday at church and place it in the basket located in the church foyer by November 17. The directory is open to church members–whether your business is at a location in the Tamarindo area, online, or direct sales, you are welcome to include your info. Let’s support one another!
Sunday, Dec 8th

Join us for our exclusive Tamarindo Church sailing day on the Marlin Del Rey! 

It’s a great time for fellowship, enjoying God’s creation together, and experiencing an amazing Costa Rica sunset as we sail back to port!  The cruise includes sailing, swimming, snorkeling, paddle boarding, and great food and drinks. 

*  Cost is $40 for adults and $25 for kids 12 and under.  Toddlers 5 & under free.

*  You can pay in advance at church starting Sunday, Nov 17th,  or bring the money with you and pay that day.  Exact change is appreciated.

*  Meet at Tamarindo beach, one hundred mts south of Nogui’s at 1:00pm.  Look for the Panga boats shuttling groups out to the catamaran. 

*  Sunset is at 5:30pm, and arrive back at the beach around 6:00pm.

RESERVE YOUR SPOT!  CLICK HERE to be taken to the “SIGN UP ZONE” website where you can sign up and reserve your spot.
Beach Baptism, Sunday, Dec 8th
Have you been thinking about being baptized?  Baptism is a significant step of obedience in the faith that followers of Christ have been doing for the past 2000 years, and we’re

inviting you to take that step with us at Tamarindo Church.  If you or your children are interested in being baptized, or if are you are just curious and have questions about baptism, please contact pastor Lyle at  To learn more about baptism CLICK HERE.
January 27th-Feb 1st  
On January 27th, Tamarindo Church will be headed up to Cristo Rey in Nicaragua for our annual church mission trip.  This year, we will be spending a couple of days helping

Funda Cristo School as well as building homes in the community.  
While many children in the neighborhood don’t make it past a 6th grade education, FundaCristo has a vision for seeing that these children have the opportunity to one day graduate from high school.  Here are some statistics that I gathered from their website on elementary education in Nicaragua… 
Only 72% of children finished primary school in 2009, the latest year for which data is available. This low figure hides bigger inequalities as only 65% of children from the poorest 20% of families completed primary school compared to 98% from the richest homes.

Secondary school figures are unsurprisingly much worse:  46% finished the first tier (9th grade/year 10), and only 19% completed 11th grade (year 12). In the poorest families, only 6% of children finished secondary school.
If you would like to be involved in making a difference in the community of Cristo Rey, please consider the following ways of helping.
1.  Come on the trip-  The dates for the trip are January 27th-31st.  If you would like to join us on the trip, please contact pastor Lyle Watson for more info.

2.  Pray for us & the community-  There are always a lot of logistical challenges and surprises on a trip in Central America.  Please pray God’s grace, wisdom, and protection on our group.  And please pray that our group would represent the love of Christ as we serve.  Please pray also for community leaders and pastors… that God would guide them on how best to love and lead their people in community development and spiritual renewal. 

3.  Give Financially- To accomplish various projects on the trip, we have a goal of raising $8,000 to build homes, distribute food bags, and purchase school supplies for Fundacristo School.  If you would like to contribute toward thise efforts, please make your donation through the Tamarindo Church Giving page.  Just make your donation to Tamarindo Church, and be sure to send a follow up email at to let us know that you would like your donation to be designated for the Nicaragua trip in January.  

FRIDAY NIGHTS– Join us for Youth Group every Friday, 7 – 8:30 pm at Tamarindo Church!  

Youth nights at Tamarindo Church create an environment where teenagers feel welcomed and feel safe to be themselves..  Each week, we start Youth Group with some crazy games… followed by a time of learning about God and how to apply God’s truth in their lives.  All 6th – 12th grade students are welcome!
SUNDAY MORNINGS– Teens can grow deeper in their faith on Sunday mornings at 10:00am where they have the opportunity to dive deeper into God’s truth together  at church.  Ages 13 and older welcome!

Join our facebook group “TC Youth” and follow our instagram account “tcyouthcr” to stay up to date on what’s happening!  Be sure to “LIKE” our Facebook page for Tamarindo Church Youth to stay updated on any changes in schedule or special events.  Click here to go to our page.  

For more information, contact Justin Novgrod: 8765-8310

From time to time, Tamarindo Church will have wants/needs for the church that we do not currently have in our budget.  If you would like to help by contributing toward any of the items below, please contact Lyle Watson:

  • Furnishings for Children’s Church/Youth Room- This month Journey School will be moving out of the TC building and relocating to their new location, and they will need to take their classroom furniture along.  So…. TC is planning to build some tables and shelves for the downstairs classrooms and purchase some new chairs.  We guesstimate a budget of about $1,400 should cover it.  If you’d like to contribute toward this effort, please contact pastor Lyle. 

Psalm 95:1
“Come let us sing a song
for joy to the Lord;
Let us shout aloud
to the rock of our salvation”

Has God gifted you with musical or technical talent that you want to use for His glory? If so, we are looking for people to join our worship team.  Whatever instrument you play, we’re open to give it a try.  Here are the first few steps for becoming part of the worship team…

  • Prayerfully consider your involvement.
  • Contact  expressing your interest. The email should include:
    • Musical or technical experience and skill.
    • The reason you are interested in joining the worship team.
  • Elizabeth, our worship team leader, will review your information and schedule time when you can join us for an audition.

Please continue to pray for Tamarindo Church……

TC VISION – That God would guide us in our vision and strategy for reaching and serving our community.

MINISTRY TEAM-  That God would grow our church board, staff and volunteers who serve at TC in unity of Spirit, in wisdom, and in humility as we serve Him.  Please also pray spiritual guidance and protection over our church leaders.  

VOLUNTEERS-  Thanks be to God for our staff and volunteers who serve in many roles in the church. Please pray that God would continue to build a sense of unity and family among our core church members

FINANCES- Please pray that God would continue to provide and meet Tamarindo Church’s financial needs for this year of ministry as we begin our 2020 Pledge Drive.

OUTREACH- That God would create a spiritual hunger in our community, and that we would see many come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.  And pray for open doors for folks in our church to share the gospel, the love of Christ, and invite someone to church.


  • Praise God for a great Women’s Retreat and Movie Night outreach.
  • Prayer for God’s provision for our financial needs for the 2020 budget as we begin our annual Pledge drive.
  • Prayer that our church family would be successful in engaging unchurched members in the community through our Thanksgiving Gathering, Sailing Day, and Christmas Eve service.

Please pray spiritual wisdom and direction for Pastor Lyle as he leads the church.  For Stacey to find good balance between family, ministry and work.  For their children Olivia and Wolfie… that they would continue to grow to know, love, and serve Him.  And also for spiritual protection over their family.