TC Update/Announcements- March 2020

Hey Friends,

We had an eventful month in February at Tamarindo Church and have made a few changes to our Sunday mornings.  Please read below to catch up on the latest on what’s been happening and what’s coming up in March at TC!

SUNDAY MORNING STUFF– Facebook Live, Q & A, and a “Thank You”
Online Sermons– TC now has live video of our Sunday services starting every Sunday at 10am through Facebook.  So if you aren’t able to make it to Church on Sunday, you can go to our Tamarindo Church Facebook Page to tune in each week.  Or… if you just want to catch up on the sermons later in the week, you can find our messages saved and posted on our Facebook Feed.  Just scroll down on our page posts to the Sunday that you missed Church.  

Q & A and Discussion-  On Sundays after church service, I (Pastor Lyle) will be available at the front of the stage for questions and/or discussion about Sunday’s message.  So if you are interested in diving a bit deeper, or just have questions, feel free to meet me after service by the stage.

Thank You!- The next time you walk into church you will notice two beautiful works of art on our walls created by our friends from Canada, Jeanne & Gerald Dumas and Wendy Cote.  Thank you guys for sharing your gift of art with our church which will be a reminder of God’s generous love for us and of the blessing and presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Thank you!


As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, there are now three AA support groups that are meeting weekly at Tamarindo Church.  To find out more about these groups.. please scroll down in the newsletter.

On the first Sunday in February we had a guest preacher, Alex Bejarano from Iglesia Casa Vida, share a message with our congregation.  I just got back from our annual Nicaragua Mission trip the day before… so

 I was thankful that he was willing to preach for us.  For those of you who don’t know this, Tamarindo Church has a great relationship with a local Spanish speaking church called Casa Vida, and from time to time… we have guys from Casa Vida guest preach for us.  Juan Lopez and Alex Bejarano have preached for us from time to time, and hopefully we will have Pano, the lead pastor at Casa Vida, to share a word with us in the near future. Iglesia Casa Vida was born out of a Christian Surfer’s outreach that was started about twelve years ago… and we have shared great fellowship with our friends there.  Thank you Alex for opening up God’s word for us at TC!

This year and last year we had a couple of folks rotate off of the Tamarindo Church Board, and we are glad to announce that at our recent Board meeting Christa Niven was voted on as our newest board member.  Christa and her family have been involved at Tamarindo Church over the past couple of years and she will be a valuable addition to the team as she brings years of experience in organizational leadership as well as years of experience as a follower of Christ.  Welcome aboard Christa!

Since Tamarindo Church’s inception our church has been a member of a fellowship of churches known as the International Baptist Convention (IBC).  Our decision to affiliate with the IBC was based on several criteria. 

 First, we were looking for affiliation with an organization that shares the same vision and mission we have for Tamarindo Church… and that is, reaching and ministering to English-speakers in an international setting.  As you can see from the IBC Website… the IBC has member churches around the world that are doing exactly that.  Second, we wanted to belong to an organization that shared common beliefs in doctrine… and our church’s doctrine and the IBC’s were in agreement with each other.  Third, we wanted to belong to an organization that would offer fellowship, accountability, and support for its member churches…and we found that the IBC does just that.   As pastor of Tamarindo Church, I meet about six times a year with several pastors from Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica, and Argentina for fellowship, support, and with a vision for seeing more international communities in Central and South America reached with the gospel.  In addition, the IBC offers Leadership Conferences for pastors and church leaders. This month, I am looking forward attending this years Leadership Conference in Brasilia, Brazil where we will be poured into by some seasoned ministry leaders who have a lot of wisdom and encouragement to offer us as pastors.  I am super thankful for our fellowship with the IBC and look forward to fellowship and learning that will take place as we meet with other pastors from the IBC in Brasilia.

MARK YOUR CALENDARAs we look to the months ahead be sure to read below about upcoming events and mark your calendars.  You can fin

d out details about these events by scrolling down further in the newsletter.  

~ Prayer Night
Join us for prayer  or send in prayer request for our Prayer Gathering on Tues, March 10th

~ Community Theatre
Come out for a night of fun and support local talent.  Performances of Aladdinwill be held on March 19-21st at Tamarindo Church. 

~ Easter Sunday Celebration
Sunday, April 12th – Mark your calendars and plan on joining us for our Easter Sunday Celebration and for Lunch together afterward.  More info to come in next month’s newsletter.

~ Pizza Fellowship/Potluck-  Please note that this month’s Potluck/Pizza Fellowship will be cancelled.

Scroll down in the newsletter to find out more about the events listed above.

PASTOR’S PERSECTIVEThis month our church will be visited once again by Houston’s First Baptist Church (HFBC).  They come down every year to be a blessing in our community by partnering with ministries on the ground like Tamarindo Church, Las Playas Food Bank, and Iglesia Casa Vida. This year HFBC will be partnering with Tamarindo Church in serving the community of “Las Pachotes” in Santa Cruz.  Over the past couple of years it has been encouraging to see God move in the hearts of the people in Las Pachotes and in the hearts of people in our church.  Many individuals from our church have being pouring into that community, building homes, repairing homes, bringing Christmas gifts, bringing food, and helping with medical bills for people in that community.  Well recently, the people of Las Pochotes have requested help.  They desire to build a structure (open air space with roof and lighting) where they can hold worship services. This is pretty awesome considering that this development means that… the community will now have a place of worship in and for their community.  God has been stirring in the hearts of this community over the past couple of years, and it’s awesome to see fruit being born in their desire to worship and to deepen their faith in Christ together.  Thank you Tamarindo Church… for being the church to the many needs we see around us.  And thank you HFBC… for partnering with us in our efforts to see God glorified in Tamarindo and the surrounding communities.

Lyle & Stacey

Tuesday, March 10th
6:30pm @ Tamarindo Church

On Tuesday March 10th, we will be hosting a prayer meeting at Tamarindo Church. Join us for an hour or prayer together as we pray for for our church, our community, and for requests shared among those gathered.   If you are unable to make the meeting but have a prayer request, please send your prayer requests to
AA Support Groups

In January Tamarindo Church opened its doors to to three 12-Step meetings for those in recovery. Each meeting lasts one hour and welcomes anyone to come and learn more.

~ Recover Book Study
Monday noon-1 p.m
Book study focused on recovery for every addiction (alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, spending, online activity, etc.) Chair reads from literature of his or her choice and shares experience, strength and hope for 10-15 minutes followed by discussion of the reading and/or topic.

~ Women’s Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.)
Thursdays from noon-1 p.m.
Tamarindo Church, downstairs
This meeting seeks to create a safe space to help women stay sober and help others achieve sobriety. This meeting uses a discussion format with an A.A. member opening the meeting with a reading from A.A. literature and introducing an A.A. topic for discussion.

~ Al-Anon Meeting for friends and family of alcoholics
Tides of Change
Friday mornings from 10:30-11:30
Tides of Change is a book study with focused readings and questions about one of the 12 Steps of Al-Anon each week. Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. 

Come out for a fun night of entertainment and support our local talent!

Youth nights at Tamarindo Church create an environment where teenagers feel welcomed and feel safe to be themselves..  Each week, we start Youth Group with some crazy games… followed by a time of learning about God and how to apply God’s truth in their lives.  All 6th – 12th grade students are welcome!

Be sure to stay updated on meeting times and any changes by checking  checking our “TC Youth” Facebook page.  
 SUNDAY MORNINGS– Teens can grow deeper in their faith on Sunday mornings at 10:00am where they have the opportunity to dive deeper into God’s truth together  at church.  Ages 13 and older welcome!

Join our facebook group “TC Youth” and follow our instagram account “tcyouthcr” to stay up to date on what’s happening!  Be sure to “LIKE” our Facebook page for Tamarindo Church Youth to stay updated on any changes in schedule or special events.  Click here to go to our page.  

For more information, contact Lyle Watson: 8868-0871  

Has God gifted you with musical or technical talent that you want to use for His glory? If so, we are looking for people to join our worship team. Whatever instrument you play, we’re open to give it a try.  Here are the first few steps for becoming part of the worship team…

  • Prayerfully consider your involvement.
  • Contact  expressing your interest. The email should include:
    • Musical or technical experience and skill.
    • The reason you are interested in joining the worship team.
  • Elizabeth, our worship team leader, will review your information and schedule time when you can join us for an audition. 

Please continue to pray for Tamarindo Church……TC VISION – That God would guide us in our vision and strategy for reaching and serving our community.

MINISTRY TEAM-  That God would grow our church board, staff and volunteers in unity of Spirit, in wisdom, and in humility as we serve Him.  Please also pray spiritual guidance and protection over our church leaders.  

VOLUNTEERS-  Thanks be to God for our volunteers who serve in many roles in the church. Please pray that God would give us discernment in finding the best places for individuals to serve… and that God bless our volunteers in their service to Him.

FINANCES-  Please pray that God would meet the rest of our financial needs for 2020 through unforeseen gifts and Sunday offerings.  Pray also that God would give us wisdom in being good stewards of the resources he has given us.

OUTREACH- That God would create a spiritual hunger in our community, and that we would see many come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.  And pray for our church members to be sensitive to open doors to the love of Christ, to share the gospel, and to invite someone to church.


  • Prayer that God would raise up a team of prayer warriors for our monthly prayer meetings.
  • Prayer of protection and blessing of the Mission Team from Houston’s First Baptist Church that will be serving in and around our community this month.
  • Prayer for pastors of the IBC as they gather for fellowship,  learning, and encouragement at the Leadership Conference in Brasilia this month.
  • Prayer that God would use our church family to reach and bless the community around us.

Please pray spiritual wisdom and direction for Pastor Lyle as he leads the church.  For Stacey to find good balance between family, ministry and work.  For their children Olivia and Wolfie… that they would continue to grow to know, love, and serve Him.  Please also pray for spiritual protection over their family.