Tamarindo Church Update/Announcments- October 2016

Hey friends,
Man… looking back at the past month we had a lot going on… and there’s a lot to be thankful for.  We kicked off the month with our annual Comedy Night Fundraiser where we raised $1400 for Val’s local foodbank ministry and the nearby Mercies of God men’s rehab center.  We had a fun night… great food, great laughs, and we got to help a couple of great local ministries.    Special thanks to Lori Stasney and her team for the awesome meal!Men’s Retreat

The following week, we left bright and early on Monday morning for our annual men’s retreat.  There were eight of us who spent 3 days down on Corcovado Peninsula.  Outside of not getting the kind of surf we were hoping for, we had an incredible time enjoying God’s creation, growing deeper in faith, and stronger in fellowship.  I think we all left that week already looking forward to next year’s retreat.

New Staff @ TC
We’d also like to share the great news that we have hired on two part-time staffers to serve as Pastor Assistant and Children/Youth Intern at Tamarindo Church.  Congratulations to Steve Page and Ashley Look!  I am personally super excited about what they are bringing to the team at Tamarindo Church, and I look foward to working together on how we can more effectively serve our church family and reach our community.  Scroll down further down in this update to get to know more about Steve and Ashley.

Parenting Course
As we look to the month ahead, we are super excited about the parenting Course that will be kicking off this Thursday, September 22nd.  We have 19 folks signed up representing ten local families.  Please pray that God would highlight areas in our role as parents we can improve as parents, and that all moms and dads leave with new tools more effective parenting.  And we’d like to say a speical thanks to local restaurants Wok n’ Roll, Sprout, Jalepenos, Lori’s Country Kitchen =), and Eat-at-Joe’s for preparing meals for our sessions.  THANK YOU!And thanks once again to all of you for the ways you support the minsitry of Tamarindo Church.  We would not be able to do what we do without your prayers, volunteering, financial support, encouragement, etc.   God’s blessings to you and your loved ones, and we hope to see you next Sunday at Church.

Lyle & Stacey


TC Staff
ASHLEY LOOK- Children & Youth Intern
Ashley Look is from Flint Michigan, and has lived in Costa Rica for two
years now. She came to faith in high school through Young Life, a youth outreach ministry. Since college, Ashley has been mentoring and discipling high school students. She has years of experience serving in many different roles with the Young Life ministry. She has a heart to serve and a passion for our youth; for meeting kids where they’re at, walking alongside them, sharing the gospel and guiding them in truth. She will be assisting in leadership of Childrens Church on Sunday mornings as well as and being the Youth Ministry leader here at Tamarindo Church.
STEVE PAGE- Pastor Assistant 
Before moving to Tamarindo in September of 2015, Steve and family have spent most of their lives in Wellington Colorado. He and his wife Nikki have  4 kids including his adult daughters Chance (22), Morgan (21), his son Ellis (17) and daughter Taya (14).
Steve has a passion for serving the Church, serving the less fortunate, and reaching the lost for Christ.  That passion has been evident in the various roles he has taken in serving in different ministries over the years.  Steve’s ministry experiences include being a Commander (group leader) of Royal Ranger ministry for boys, Missions Coordinator at River of Life Fellowship, Assistant/Youth Pastor with the Salvation Army, and Worship Team member.
While serving at Tamarindo Church, Steve’s role includes but is not limited to assisting with office/administrative duties, communications, program assistance, preaching as needed, assisting with missions, basic church maintenance, and leadership in the pastors absence.
 Sunday, October 16th
Join us on Sunday the 16th after Church for hanging out, pizza, and a swim in the pool at Monkey Bar/Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas.  This is a great opportunity to connect with others in the church in a way that we just don’t get to do on Sunday’s after church service. Don’t forget your bathing suit and towel.  Hope to see you there!Directions From Church: Drive toward Tamarindo.  You will see Best Western Vista Villas and Monkey Bar on your left.
Skate Club meets every Wednesday @ 4:30pm 
(Weather Permitting)
Kids 6-10yrs welcome.  Skate session is followed by a
group bible study with the kids.
Location: El Mutante Skate Park, Playa Negra
Cost: Free Schedule:  Contact Mike & Keilyn Krepin to
confirm if they are meetiing. 2652-9270/ keilyn07@hotmail.com
We will have extra skate boards, pads, and helmets… but if you have your own, please bring them.  We hope to see you there!
WHEN? Tuesdays@10am-11:30pm
WHERE? Meetings are at the Watson’s home.
For more info contact Stacey staceycostarica@gmail.com
or call 8706-7479
WHEN? Wednesdays @ 8:00am
WHERE? Come join us on Wednesdays 8AM at the French Bakery located across from the entrance to Best Western Vista Villas.  If you would like to come early and hang out over breakfast or coffee, several of us meet early at 7:30.
For more info contact pastor Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com or call 8868-0871
Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us.  On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.

Tamarindo Church Prayer Requests

Please continue to pray for……
that God would guide us in our vision and strategy for reaching and serving our community.

Thanks to God for raising up more people to lead and serve on our ministry teams.  Please pray that God would continue build a sense of unity and family  among our core church members.

Thank you Father for meeting our needs this year through pledges and regular supporters!

That God would create a spiritual hunger in our community, and that we would see many come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Please pray for our Comedy Night Fundraiser, that we would meet our goal of raising $1000 dollars to support the local food bank and a local rehab center.

Special prayers for our Parenting Course in September.  Our hope is that we will not only bless church families, but also reach unchurched people in our community.

Please pray for safety during our trip, and that God would grow us in our devotion to him, our fellowship with each other, and in our roles as husbands, fathers and as Christian men.

We are VERY grateful for the donations that have been made so toward the property purchase and construction of a church and children’s ministry area.  Please continue in prayer with us:  1.  In thanks to God that he has given us an opportunity to secure a lot for a great price at a great location.  2. That the property would be freed from the lien against it.  3. If for some reason this is not the property God would have for us, that he would direct us to another property.  4.  God would continue to meet our financial needs for this project.

For spiritual wisdom and direction as we lead the church.
– For Stacey’s new job in real-estate… that she would find balance between family, ministry and work.

For meaningful times together and healthy balance between family and ministry.

Payer over our family and our Ministry Team.