TC Update/Announcements- September 2017

Hey Friends,

As usual… there’s been a lot going on here at Tamarindo Church.  As we move from tourist season into the the school year for families, we are at that time when many families are back from summer break, and we begin having new families to the area checking out church on Sundays.  So… just a word to our regulars, please be sure to greet new faces, and help folks feel welcome at our church.  I know you guys are already great at helping visitors feel welcome… but just a reminder.  And while we haven’t had a whole lot on the calendar this past month…  much of what’s been happenning lately has been more behind the scenes rather than with church-wide programs.  Let me take a moment to give you a “sneak peek” of what’s been happening behind the scenes.


I think I mentioned a couple of months ago that we have a new church board at Tamarindo Church.  We have been meeting over Skype Conference Call as some of our board members to not live here in town.  Thank God for modern technology.  During our last couple of meetings we have had discussion over topics such as the church building plans, the pastor job description and compensation, and the proposed budget for 2018.  I am so thankful for the collective wisdom of the people on our board, and for their love for Christ and his church.  Please keep our Board in prayer as we make decisions regarding present and future matters for Tamarindo Church.

This month we had our first meeting of our newly formed Pastor Advisory Group (PAG) as well.  This team of people is made up of key leaders and volunteers at TC who help guide the directions of the different programs that our church organizes.  They give feedback to the pastor on whatever issues or needs arise that may need to be addressed.  And this group also shares about what’s happening in the church, and how we can better serve our church and community.  These folks are the ones on the front lines serving and leading in the church on a weekly basis.  We are grateful for all of these folks who give of their time and talent to serve and lead at Tamarindo Church.  While there are additional members in the PAG, if ever you want to touch base over any of the ministries that our team members oversee, feel free to touch base with them directly.

         Children’s Ministry– Stephanie Gough
         Youth– Ashley Look
         Women’s Ministry- Stacey Watson
         Sunday Morning Volunteers– Robert & Jean Mixon
         Sunday Music/worship– Lyle Watson


Another “behind the scenes” activity that’s been taking place is the planning of the future church building for Tamarindo Church.  Above is the most up to date rendering of our plans for our building project.  And as you can see, it is coming along well. It’s been super exciting planning what this space will look like as we envision the place that Church will be able to call “home” for many years to come.  Please pray God’s wisdom,  guidance, and provision for our church as we move forward.  We will keep you posted as plans progress.   If you’d like to view several updated renderings on our church website, just click here .

As we all know… church is not a building… it’s a family of Christ followers growing in faith together.  And for me, this past month, one of the things that stood out to me about our church is seeing how our church is walking in the way of Christ in “loving one another”.  

  • Brothers and sisters in Christ praying for each other in times of suffering or illness. 
  • Church family helping to “flood proof” the home of one of our church members. 
  • Church family sending a family moving to the U.S. off with love and prayer.
  • Church family growing in God’s truth together in bible study.
  • A sister in the church taking care of the children of a couple who needed help. 
  • A friend helping another friend move out of a house.
  • Individuals taking steps of faith to try new things to follow Christ more faithfully.

What I love about this stuff is that… none of this is a church program.    This is simply people living out their Christian walk in their daily lives…. loving one another.  It is church “being” church, instead of “doing” church.  It is sooooo cool to see this kind of community happening.  And I am so grateful to be a part of this church and to be a part of what God is doing in Tamarindo.

Thank you to all of you who faithfully pray, serve, and give in many ways to make church here in Tamarindo who we are.  And thank you for being the church.

Lyle & Stacey


Pastor Assistant- Steve Page

Dear Tamarindo Church congregation,

I have enjoyed the honor of working for the church, but time has come that I must resign my part time position. In order to meet the financial needs of my family, I have been working on several side projects for income. As these projects have developed, they are requiring more of my time… and so I will be stepping down from my role as Pastor Assistant.

Please know that my experience with Tamarindo Church up to and including this transition have been a completely positive experience. I am extremely thankful for the year I have served as Pastor Assistant and I will continue to serve on a volunteer basis. This is not a good bye, as we intend to stay part of the Tamarindo church family and community for the foreseeable future. It simply means I may not have the keys you are looking for!

Again, thank you Tamarindo Church congregation and staff for the opportunity to serve and the support you have provided my family.

With gratitude,
Steve Page

MEN’S RETREAT- September 4-8

This week several men from Tamarindo Church will be headed to Corcovado for our annual Men’s Retreat.  Please keep us in prayer during the week.  In particular, please pray for safe travels, safety during our activities, and for the Holy Spirit to challenge and encourage us in our roles as Christian husbands, Christian fathers, and as Christian men.  Thank you!


PIZZA FELLOWSHIP- Sunday, September  24th 

Join us on Sunday the 24th after Church for hanging out, pizza, and a swim in the pool at Monkey Bar/Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas.  This is a great opportunity to connect with others in the church in a way that we just don’t get to do on Sunday’s after church service. Don’t forget your bathing suit and towel.  Hope to see you there!
Directions From Church:  Drive toward Tamarindo.  You will see Best Western Vista Villas and Monkey Bar on your left
TC Youth 

Youth nights at Tamarindo Church create an environment where teenagers feel welcomed and safe to be themselves.

Each week, we start with some crazy games together… followed by a time of digging into the Bible together to figure out who Jesus is and what He is all about.  All 6th – 12th grade students are invited!

TC Youth group normally meets every Friday night, 7:00-8:30 pm at Tamarindo Church during the school year… but we are sort of on a more “spontaneous” schedule in the summer! So be sure to “LIKE” our Facebook page for Tamarindo Church Youth.  Click here to go to our page.  TC Youth

For more information, contact Ashley Look: 8416-8807    Ashleylook9@gmail.com_____________________________________________

We are seeking people with a musical and vocal talent to join our worship team. If God has gifted you with musical or technical talent, we want you to be able to use it for His glory! Our immediate need is for instrumentalists, primarily Bass and Drums. Other instruments are welcome to join in (i.e. keyboard, ukulele, etc.) but cannot be supplied by the church at this time. Here are the first few steps for becoming part of the worship team…
  • Prayerfully consider your involvement.
  • Contact Steve Page: expressing your interest. The email should include:
    • Musical or technical experience and skill.
    • The reason you are interested in joining the worship team.
    • Steve and Pastor Lyle will review your information and schedule time when you can join us for an audition.
If you have questions please contact Steve Page at

WHEN? Tuesdays@12pm-1:30pm
WHERE? Meetings are at the Watson’s home.
For more info contact Stacey
or call 8706-7479
~ MEN’S GROUP–  New Time & Place
WHEN? Wednesdays @ 9:00am
WHERE? Come join us on Wednesdays 8:30 AM at Pastor Lyle’s home.  If you would like to come early and hang out over breakfast or coffee, several of us meet early at 7:45.
For more info contact pastor Lyle at or call 8868-0871

Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us.  On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.

Tamarindo Church Prayer Requests

Please continue to pray for……
that God would guide us in our vision and strategy for reaching and serving our community.MINISTRY TEAM
Thanks to God for our staff and volounteers who serve in many roles in the church.  Please pray that God would continue build a sense of unity and family among our core church members… especially our Board, our Pastor Advisory Group, and our Volunteer Team.

Please pray to our Father that he would meet our needs in the coming year through pledges and regular supporters!

That God would create a spiritual hunger in our community, and that we would see many come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.  Please pray that our church members would be salt and light in the community to those who are not saved.

Thanks be to God, the sale went through and Tamarindo Church now owns a property for the construction of a church building which will help us to more effectively minister to our church and community. At this point we are in the concept and design phase.  Please pray that God would guide us in this process, and that our needs would be met for building the first phase of the church which includes the sanctuary, classroooms, youth room, and fellowship room.  Please pray that God would provide the $240,000 we need to raise to complete the initial phase of the project.

– For spiritual wisdom and direction as we lead the church.
– For Stacey’s job in real-estate… that she would find balance between family, ministry and work… and not feel over-stressed or anxious.  And that she would make enough to cover our children’s school tuition.

For meaningful times together and healthy balance between family and ministry.  For our children Olivia and Wolfie… that we would raise them to know, love and serve our Lord.

Prayer of spiritual protection over our family and our church Ministry Teams…. guarding us from spiritual attack and oppression, and anything that causes dis-unity and divisiveness in the body of Christ at Tamarindo Church.