TC Update/Announcements- Dec 2017

Hello friends,

 We hope you all had an enjoyable time celebrating Thanksgiving with friends and family.  We had a packed house at Tamarindo Church sharing in food, fellowship, and fun… and giving thanks to God for His blessings in our lives.  And we are especially grateful for the many new faces and families God is bringing to Tamarindo Church.  Thanks to everyone who participated by bringing the tasty side dishes and desserts.  And a special thanks to our set up and break down team who came early and stayed late to make the event a success… you know who you are. =). Thank you!

 Another highlight of the past month was the Women’s Retreat to La Carolina Lodge.  During their time together, the women reflected on scripture that speaks to becoming all that God has created them to be.  Where else could be better than doing that than out in God’s beautiful creation.  Special thanks to Jean Mixon for leading the women through time in the word together.
Thank you all for considering Tamarindo Church in your ministry of giving in 2018.  There are two areas we need to update you on relating to our pledge campaign…. our 2018 Operating Budget, and our Building Campaign.  Thanks to many of you who have already responded!  We are off to a great start with both.2018 Operating Budget – Our total operating costs for 2018 is $112,700, and our goal is to raise $75,000 in pledges for 2018. We trust that the remaining amount needed will be met through weekly giving on Sundays and through unforeseen gifts.  So far we are off to a great start with $45,000 already pledged.  If you have not made your pledge but would like to help us meet our goal, please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to make your pledge and donation.

 Building Campaign – Our need at this point is to raise $360,000.  But at this time, we have an initial goal of raising $200,000 by January 31st, 2018.  Once this goal is reached, this will allow us to hit the “go” button on construction… which we hope to begin in February 2018.  As you may already know, an anonymous donor recently pledged to match all donations up to $100,000.  So far we have $36,500 committed in pledges toward the building, and we are still waiting to hear back from a few people who have said yes, but have not given exact pledge amounts.  So with the matching donation, this puts us at $73,000 toward our $200,000 goal.  Thank you to those who have given so far!   If you would like to partner with us in making this building become a reality… CLICK HERE for more information on how to make your pledge.

Thank you all again for the many ways you all support the life and ministry of Tamarindo Church.  We are blown away and humbled by God’s blessings and the generosity He has shown to us.  These words of King David, spoken when thanking God for His provision for building the temple, remind us that it all comes from Him….

 “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.
                                   ~ 1 Chronicles 29:14

Please keep Tamarindo Church in prayer as we move forward with construction of the church building… and as we continue growing as a Church family here in Tamarindo.  Thank you for your prayers, for your service, and for your giving.  Be sure to read the announcements below on our upcoming Sailing Day and Christmas Eve Service.  Merry Christmas!!!

Lyle & 



SAILING DAY-  Sunday, December 17th

Mark you calendars!  Join us after church on December 17th for our Annual Sailing Day aboard the Marlin Del Rey.  Every year, it is a great time for fellowship and enjoying God’s Creation together.  The cruise includes sailing, snorkeling, paddle boarding, finger foods, drinks, and an amazing sunset.  Space is limited and spots fill up fast, so be sure to RSVP at

COST: $40/adult, $20/12yrs & Under, toddlers/infants free.

DEPARTURE:  1:00PM– We will leave from Tamarindo Beach, 100mts south of Nogui’s Restaurant.  Look for the panga boats shuttling groups to the catamaran.

RETURN: Sunset is around 5:30 and we disembark by 6:00pm.


*** Please note that we will not be meeting for Sunday morning service.  We will meet Sunday evening instead. ***  


January 22-26th

On January 26th, Tamarindo Church will be headed up to Cristo Rey in Nicaragua for our annual church mission trip.  This year, we will be partnering in Cristo Rey with the ministry of FundaCristo that runs a school in the barrio.  While many children in the neighborhood don’t make it past a 6th grade education, FundaCristo has a vision for seeing that these children have the opportunity to one day graduate from high school.  Here are some statistics that I gathered from their website on elementary education in Nicaragua…

Only 72% of children finished primary school in 2009, the latest year for which data is available. This low figure hides bigger inequalities as only 65% of children from the poorest 20% of families completed primary school compared to 98% from the richest homes.

Secondary school figures are unsurprisingly much worse:
46% finished the first tier (9th grade/year 10), and only 19% completed 11th grade (year 12). In the poorest families, only 6% of children finished secondary school.

To help Fundacristo in their vision of seeing kids get a complete education, we are helping to install tile floors which are required by the ministry of education, building storage space, and hosting VBS activities for the children. We also hope to be able to distribute basic food items to the community as we have in the past.
If you would like to be involved in making a difference in the community ofCristo Rey, please consider the following ways of helping.

1.  Come on the trip-  The dates for the trip are January 22nd-26th.  If you would like to join us on the trip, please contact pastor Lyle Watson for more info.

2.  Pray for us & the community-  There are always a lot of logistics and surprises on a trip in Central America.  Please pray God’s grace, wisdom, and protection on our group.  And please pray that our group would represent the love of Christ as we serve.  Please pray also for community leaders and pastors… that God would guide them on how best to love and lead their people in community development and spiritual renewal.

3.  Give Financially- To accomplish all of the projects mentioned above, we have a goal of raising $9,000.  If you would like to contribute toward this trip, please make your donation through the Tamarindo Church Giving page.  Just make your donation to Tamarindo Church, and be sure to send a follow up email at to let us know that you would like your donation to be designated for the Nicaragua trip in January.

TC Youth 
Hey Parents,

Over the past few months, we’ve had kids from all over the area attending, even some fresh new faces! We have youth coming from various schools including La Paz, CRIA, Tide Academy, local public schools, and homeschool. It is such a diverse group with a ton of energy! The Christian community that is developing between these kid is a beautiful thing. The way they interact, care for each other, dig into scripture and grow in their relationship with Christ together
 has been so cool to watch.

Youth nights at Tamarindo Church create an environment where teenagers feel welcomed and safe to be themselves.

Each week, we start with some crazy games… followed by a time of digging into the Bible together to figure out who Jesus is and what He is all about.  All 6th – 12th grade students are invited!

Join us for Youth Group every Friday, 7 – 8:30 pm at Tamarindo Church! Join our facebook group “TC Youth” and follow our instagram account “tcyouthcr” to stay up to date on what’s happening! But be sure to “LIKE” our Facebook page for Tamarindo Church Youth to stay updated on any changes in schedule or special events.  Click here to go to our page.  TC Youth

For more information, contact Ashley Look: 8416-8807


We are seeking people with a musical and vocal talent to join

our worship team. If God has gifted you with musical or technical talent, we want you to be able to use it for His glory! Our immediate need is for instrumentalists, primarily Bass and Drums. Other instruments are welcome to join in (i.e. keyboard, ukulele, etc.) but cannot be supplied by the church at this time. Here are the first few steps for becoming part of the worship team…

  • Prayerfully consider your involvement.
  • Contact Lyle Watson: expressing your interest. The email should include:
    • Musical or technical experience and skill.
    • The reason you are interested in joining the worship team.
    • Pastor Lyle will review your information and schedule time when you can join us for an audition.
If you have questions please contact Lyle at

WHEN? Tuesdays@12pm-1:30pm
WHERE? Meetings are at the Watson’s home.
For more info contact Stacey
or call 8706-7479
MEN’S GROUP–  New Time & Place
WHEN? Wednesdays @ 9:00am
WHERE? Come join us on Wednesdays 9:00 AM at Pastor Lyle’s home.  If you would like to come early and hang out over coffee, several of us meet early at 8:30.
For more info contact pastor Lyle at or call 8868-0871


Did you know that Tamarindo Church has a page where you can share your prayer requests with us.  On this page you have the option to have us keep your requests confidential, or to have us invite others to be praying for you.
CLICK HERE to check out the new page and submit your prayer requests.
Tamarindo Church Prayer Requests.  Please continue to pray for……
that God would guide us in our vision and strategy for reaching and serving our community.MINISTRY TEAM
Thanks to God for our staff and volounteers who serve in many roles in the church.  Please pray that God would continue to build a sense of unity and family among our core church members… especially our Board, our Pastor Advisory Group, and our Volunteer Team.

Last month we sent out information on how people can partner with Tamarindo Church financially next year.  We are praying that God would provide for our annual budget through pledges.  We are also praying that God would provide finances for the construction of our church building.  Please pray to our Father that he would meet our needs in the coming year through pledges and regular supporters!

That God would create a spiritual hunger in our community, and that we would see many come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.  Please pray that our church members would be salt and light in the community to those who are not saved.


Thanks be to God for his blessing of the Women’s Retreat this past month.  It was a great time of fellowship and time in the Word.  The women came home challenged, encouraged, and refreshed in the Lord.
Please pray that God would guide us in this process, and that our needs would be met for building the first phase on the 2nd floor of the church which includes the sanctuary, bathrooms, kitchen & parking lot.  Please pray that God would provide the $200,000 we need to raise to complete this initial phase of the project.  Please pray also that God would provide the additional $160,000 we need to raise to complete the project.  This $160,000 will allow us to complete the first floor which will include the children’s church rooms, office, youth room, fellowship room, kitchen and bathrooms.LYLE & STACEY
– For spiritual wisdom and direction as we lead the church.
– For Stacey’s job in real-estate… that she would find balance between family, ministry and work… and not feel over-stressed or anxious.  And that she would earn enough to cover our children’s school tuition.
For meaningful times together and healthy balance between family and ministry.  For our children Olivia and Wolfie… that we would raise them to know, love and serve our Lord.
Prayer of spiritual protection over our family and our church Ministry Teams…. guarding us from spiritual attack and oppression, and anything that causes dis-unity and divisiveness in the body of Christ at Tamarindo Church.