Hey Friends, There has been a lot has happening at Tamarindo Church this past month, and a bunch of stuff coming up on the calendar as well. Some of the events coming up include Easter Sunday, a visiting mission team from Auburn Grace Community Church, and a couple of outreach events. In addition, we have a couple of staff changes at TC. So please be sure to read through the newsletter thoroughly as we don’t want you to miss out on what’s happening at TC. HOUSTON’S FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH- THANK YOU! You may have noticed recently that there have been a few changes around the property at Tamarindo Church. In particular, we now have a chain link fence on the side of our property for security, the wall out front has been painted, and we have new concrete drainage tubes out front and below our parking area. This is all thanks to the hard work and generosity of Houston’s First Baptist Church Missions Team that was with us a couple of weeks ago. Thank you HFBC! In addition to serving our church, the team also…..Hosted a VBS at a local school down in Rio Seco with the help of Mike and Keilyn Krepin. Painted a local skate park in Playa NegraWalked through town inviting folks to church and offering prayer.Thank you Kevin, Marlen, Jorge and the rest of the HFBC Missions team for blessing our church and our community. We look forward to having you with us again next year! TC WORSHIP- Welcome Elizabeth! Sooo… I’m guessing that many of you have noticed another change around the church as well.. particularly with our Music Team. That’s because, back in February, the Tamarindo Church Board approved bringing Elizabeth Gunton-Bunn on as our new Worship Team Leader. Elizabeth has been part of the Tamarindo Church family and music team since its beginnings, always jumping in and volunteering wherever and whenever needed on the Music Team. In the past year, it has been fun to see Elizabeth grow more and more in her ability to lead worship, and we are so grateful to now have her in the “official” role as Worship Team Leader. Welcome aboard Lizzy! TC YOUTH- Welcome Justin Novgrod! Tamarindo Church would also like to welcome aboard Justin Novgrod as our new Youth Ministry Leader. Justin and family moved to Tamarindo about 8 months ago from North Carolina, and they have been a part of the TC family from day one. Justin dove right into his new role by being on the team of leaders that took a group of kids from TC to youth camp this past weekend. Justin’s love for Christ and love for kids is clearly seen in the way he relates to kids as a teacher at Journey School and in his Kung Fu classes. We are grateful to have him on board helping our youth grow in their knowledge, love, and devotion to Christ. To learn more about Justin, please scroll down in the newsletter. SHREK PLAYThis past week, Tamarindo Church was transformed into a whole new space as Beachnuts Theater performed a theatrical version of the movie Shrek. Over 450 folks from the community attended these evenings of creativity, fun, and entertainment. Thank you Beachnuts Theater for giving kids and youth in our community an outlet for creativity and fun. We hope to work with Beachnuts Theater again in hosting events like this in the future. On a side note, during the play, a group of folks from Tamarindo Church ran concession sales as a way to raise funds for building a much needed bridge in the barrio of Cristo Rey, Nicaragua. Thanks to the volunteers and many donations of drinks and treats, we were able to raise over $550 for the effort. Thank you Tamarindo Church! MARK YOUR CALENDARAs we look to the month ahead be sure to read below about upcoming events and mark your calendars. These events include: April 14th- Spring Festival Community Outreach- To volunteer to help with this event, please contact Steph Gough. stephgough5@gmail.com April 15-17th- Arts Camp Outreach- 9am -12noon. Open to kids age 6-10. We will send more information as the date approaches. To sign your kids up or to volunteer to help with this event, please contact Stacey Watson. staceycostarica@gmail.com April 21st- Easter Sunday Celebration & Picnic- Please see the flyer and details below for more information on what to bring! Contact: Mary Novgrod lilywhiten3@hotmail.com July 22-26th- Nicaragua Mission Trip-We know it’s far off, but for planning purposes, we want to let you know Tamarindo Church will be making another mission trip to Nicaragua this summer in July. If you are interested in going, or if you would like more information, please contact Pastor Lyle at lyletamarindo@gmail.com . NOTE FROM THE PASTOR It is encouraging to see God moving in so many different ways in and through the church recently. In addition to the events and happenings mentioned above, some folks in the church have come together to help folks that have much needed home improvements done in St. Cruz. And others have come together to have a home built for a woman named Hope in Villareal. A family in our church painted walls and floors and built bunk beds for a women’s shelter in Arenal. And still others have been helping a pastor and his family members who have fled persecution in Nicaragua. I always think to myself, we are a small church, but we are a small church with a big heart… which is evident in the many ways the TC family takes action to help those in need. It reminds me of a passage we went through in our men’s group this past month from James which says… In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds. Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.~ James 2:17-19It is so encouraging to see the body of Christ putting faith into action and to see the church being the Church. In closing, I’d like to encourage you to please read through the updates and opportunities for volunteering and being part of the church in various ways. We have a couple of outreach events coming up this month before Easter that just might your skill set. And please be sure to read the new addition to our newsletters called “Fatih In Action: Servant’s Spotlight” where we will be highlighting various people in various roles of service at Tamarindo Church. Thank you all again for the many ways that you give to the life and ministry of Tamarindo Church. As we approach Holy Week and Easter, may the Spirit bless you with a deeper knowledge of His love for you, and a deeper gratefulness for the blessings we have received through His death and resurrection. Peace, Pastor Lyle |
Faith In Action: Servant’s Spotlight Do you remember your first visit to TC? Maybe you were here on vacation, or had just moved here, and were looking for a permanent church home. Either way, most of us can remember that first person who greeted us with a smile, and made us feel welcome. This one act of kindness and service to others can set the stage for one’s entire church experience. Here at TC, we are blessed to have a team of friendly and caring servants who greet and assist people every Sunday. They give them the “lay of the land”, share information, direct them to the restrooms, set out cookies, even help them call a cab at the end of service! Today we will hear from Suzye Lawson, one of our dedicated servants. Suzye has lived here in Tamarindo for 23 years and has attended TC since 2015. She joined the hospitality team two years ago. In her words, “greeting people makes my Sunday! Our visitors are so friendly, and we make each other feel good”. Suzye has had an interesting and diverse background with her faith, and Pastor Lyle encouraged her to come to church during a very difficult time in her life. For Suzye, serving has brought her back to the Lord and adds another component to her life, with all its ups and downs. She shared that “I look forward to Sundays. It’s an opportunity for me to reflect on my week and to look forward to the next one”. In Suzye’s words, “for me, serving is a peaceful blessing”. Not doubt she is a blessing to everyone she meets, as she openly shares her sweet smile and friendly spirit! If you feel the Lord calling you to serve in hospitality, or any other ministry at TC, please contact Jean Mixon, jeanmixon@outlook.com, or by WhatsApp 506-8938-0845. |
Please join us for an Easter Celebration Picnic after service on April 21st. TC will provide the main course and and we ask that you bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share. We will have a bounce house for the kids and lots of fun and fellowship for all! To sign up, please CLICK HERE If you need more information please contact Mary Novgrod on WhatsApp +1-828-506-1153 or email lilywhiten3@hotmail.com |
MEET JUSTIN NOVGROD- Youth Ministry For you to get to know our new Youth Ministry Leader better, I’ve asked Justin to share a bit about his family and ministry background with you all. We are grateful to have him on board with us, and think you will be too as you get to know him better. I have a wonderful wife Mary and four great children, Sebastian, 18, Christian, 14, Nikoli, 13, and Bellarose, 10. My family and I have enjoyed being in ministry for many years. When I was a freshman in college I re-dedicated my life to Christ. I also started a Christian martial arts school, The Lions Gate Kung Fu Academy, which we continue to operate here in Costa Rica. I have a Bachelors Education from Western Carolina University and have spent several years as a teacher. My wife and I were very involved with youth while we lived in North Carolina. We taught the youth program for 11 years at LifeWay Community Church and were also the youth pastors at The Grove Church for several years. We find great joy in going on mission trips and have lead many mission teams to places all around the world. We moved to Costa Rica from Western North Carolina as missionaries to help start the Journey Tamarindo school and to serve the Tamarindo Church community. Our plans are to be here permanently and our hearts desire is to raise up strong Christian leaders that will follow the Lord, and lead others to him. We are very blessed to have the opportunity to lead, teach, and serve at Tamarindo Church. Our hope is to share our desire for a life of service and dedication to Jesus with the youth and the rest of the congregation. |
Be sure to invite your friends with kids ages 6-10. All are welcome! Volunteers Needed: To volunteer to help with set up, breakdown, and running games at the Spring Festival, contact Stephanie @ Stephset5@hotmail.com |
Yes, another amazing event for kids in the community! Be sure to tell your friends. Also… TC folks, if you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer and build relationships with folks in our community, this is a great opportunity to do that. To get involved contact Stacey Watson staceycostarica@gmail.com |
Hey Everyone, Join us for Youth Group every Friday, 7 – 8:30 pm at Tamarindo Church! Youth nights at Tamarindo Church create an environment where teenagers feel welcomed and feel safe to be themselves. And join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am for diving deeper into God’s truth together at Church. Each week, we start Youth Group with some crazy games… followed by a time of digging into the Bible together to figure out who Jesus is and what He is all about. All 6th – 12th grade students are invited! Join our facebook group “TC Youth” and follow our instagram account “tcyouthcr” to stay up to date on what’s happening! Be sure to “LIKE” our Facebook page for Tamarindo Church Youth to stay updated on any changes in schedule or special events. Click here to go to our page. TC Youth lionsgatekungfu@gmail.com For more information, contact Justin Novgrod: 8765-8310 ____________________________________________ TC WISH LIST From time to time, Tamarindo Church will have wants/needs for the church that we do not currently have in our budget. If you would like to help by contributing toward any of the items below, please contact Lyle Watson: lyletamarindo@gmail.com Sound Panels- to dampen sound for acoustics in the sanctuary. $3,000.Fencing- Thank You Auburn Grace Church for the donation to buy fencing materials!Water Tank and Pump– for water supply during the dry season. $7,000. ____________________________________________ MUSICIANS WANTED – Psalm 95:1 “Come let us sing a song for joy to the Lord; Let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation” Has God has gifted you with musical or technical talent that you want to use for His glory! If so, we are seeking people to join our worship team. Whatever instrument you play, we’re open to give it a try. Here are the first few steps for becoming part of the worship team…Prayerfully consider your involvement.Contact Lyle Watson: tamarindochurch@gmail.com expressing your interest. The email should include:Musical or technical experience and skill.The reason you are interested in joining the worship team.Pastor Lyle will review your information and schedule time when you can join us for an audition. |
TC PRAYER REQUESTS- Please continue to pray for…… TC VISION – That God would guide us in our vision and strategy for reaching and serving our community. MINISTRY TEAM-Please pray for our church board, staff and volunteers who serve at TC. Pray that God would build a sense of unity in Spirit, wisdom and humility in service, and spiritual guidance and protection. VOLUNTEERS- Thanks be to God for our staff and volunteers who serve in many roles in the church. Please pray that God would continue to build a sense of unity and family among our core church members FINANCES- Please pray that God would continue to provide and meet our financial needs for this year of ministry. OUTREACH- That God would create a spiritual hunger in our community, and that we would see many come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. CHURCH LIFE- Please pray for Justin and Elizabeth and they transition into their leadership roles at Tamarindo Church with youth and worship. Please also pray for our outreach events this coming month leading up to Easter. Auburn Grace Community Church will be coming from California to help us host these events. Please pray the Lord would use the Spring Festival and Arts Camp as a way for our church family to build relationships with unchurched parents and families in the community. And may we see some new faces at our Easter Sunday Service at the end of that week. THE WATSON FAMILY- Please pray spiritual wisdom and direction for Pastor Lyle as he leads the church. For Stacey’s job in real estate… that she would find good balance between family, ministry and work… and not feel over-stressed or anxious. And please pray she would earn enough to cover our children’s school tuition. For our children Olivia and Wolfie… that they would continue to grow to know, love, and serve our Lord. And for spiritual protection over our family. |