TC Updates/Announcements- Jan 2019

Hey Friends,

Happy New Year!  We hope you enjoyed time with your family and friends over the holidays.  As we look back on December, it was an 

exciting month at Tamarindo Church, and we have much to be thankful for.  Most exciting of all was our move into the new church building.  Many thanks to all for your generosity in helping us reach our goal of $75,000 to complete the building project.  And a HUGE thank you to all who volunteered many hours to help finish up the

painting, lights, fans, etc so we could have our first worship service on December 23rd… and our first Christmas Eve Celebration on the 24th which was a packed house!  Wohoo! Both services were filled with thanks, joy, and celebration.  Be sure to join us on Sunday, January 13th if you can for our “official” inaugural worship service at TC.  We are excited to see that all that God has in store for this new year and for this new season of ministry.  

TC SAILING DAYOn Sunday December 9th, a bunch of folks from Tamarindo Church 

enjoyed a day of fun and fellowship together aboard the Marlin del Rey catamaran.  It was beautiful sunny weather, and the water was warm, clear and perfect for snorkeling.  God topped of the day by wowing us with some sea turtles and dolphins as well.  Always a great day of fellowship, and we are looking forward to next year’s trip already.  

In mid-December, folks at Tamarindo Church put together an “angel-

wreath” fundraiser to buy gifts for a small community of impoverished families in nearby Santa Cruz.  This is the community where Evelyn lives (the woman who sells coconut water/pipa at church on Sunday).  This fundraiser was prompted when Evelyn was asked what she would want for Christmas.  She expressed that she felt a little “guilty” at how 

blessed she and her family were by Tamarindo Church and how her neighbors were not.  And so she said that, for Christmas, she would love to see the children in her community to be blessed with a gift.  We asked here to put together a list of the children in her neighborhood… there were 60.  And thanks to the efforts of folks at TC, all 60 received a gift for Christmas this year. Thanks to all who donated time and funds for the gifts.  And thank you to the students at Journey School who volunteered to help transport and distribute gifts to the kids.
2019 Pledge Drive Update

While we are thankful to say we have achieved our goal of completing the building  project debt-free, we are running a little low on meeting our goal for Tamarindo Church 2019 operating budget.  We believe this is in part due to focusing our efforts toward raising funds for the building. Tamarindo Church’s operating budget for 2019 is $114,844, and our goal is to raise $90,000 in pledges.  We are trusting that the remaining amount for the budget will be met through Sunday offerings and unforeseen gifts throughout the year.  As of January 1st, we have received $69,160 toward that goal.   That leaves us only $20,840 away from our goal.  Thank you to all who have already partnered with us by making your pledge.  If you have not made your pledge of financial support but would like to, CLICK HERE for instructions on how to do so.  Thank you!


Listed below are important upcoming dates for Tamarindo Church that you may want to include in your calendar.  To find out more about these events, just scroll down further into the e-newsletter to the Announcements section.
TC Inauguration Celebration– Sunday, January 13th @ 10:00am  Please RSVP by clicking here.

Nicaragua Mission Trip- February 11-15th. 

Scroll down in the newsletter for more information on the events listed above. 

Thank you all for the many ways you give, serve, and pray for the life and ministry of Tamarindo Church.  We would not be where we are today without your prayers and generous involvement in the life of the church.  We look forward in expectation at what God will do in and through our church family in the new year and the new season ahead.  Blessings to you and your loved ones in the new year.  Hope to see you on Sunday the 13th!

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.

~ Isaiah 43:19

Lyle & Stacey

Mark the date… and come celebrate with us at Tamarindo Church on Sunday, January 13th for our Inauguration Service in the new Church building.  Our service is at 10:00am as usual, and there will be food and fun for all as we celebrate following the service.  We hope you can join us!  
Please RSVP and sign up to bring a side dish by clicking here.

February 11-15

On February 11th, Tamarindo Church will be headed up to Cristo Rey in Nicaragua for our annual church mission trip.  This year, we will be partnering with the ministry of Fundacristo, a school in the barrio of Cristo Rey.  During our time there, we will be providing school supplies for teachers, buying text books for their 8th grade class, helping with a painting project, and distributing food to the poor.

Here is some interesting information on education in Nicaragua from Fundacristo’s website.  

While many children in the neighborhood don’t make it past a 6th grade education, FundaCristo has a vision for seeing that these children have the opportunity to one day graduate from high school.  Here are some statistics that I gathered from their website on elementary education in Nicaragua… 

Only 72%of children finished primary school in 2009, the latest year for which data is available. This low figure hides bigger inequalities as only 65% of children from the poorest 20% of families completed primary school compared to 98% from the richest homes.

Secondary school figures are unsurprisingly much worse:46% finished the first tier (9th grade/year 10), and only 19% completed 11th grade (year 12). In the poorest families, only 6% of children finished secondary school.


If you would like to be involved in making a difference in the community ofCristo Rey, please consider the following ways of helping.

1.  Come on the trip-  The dates for the trip are February 11-15th.  If you would like to join us on the trip, please contact pastor Lyle Watson for more info.

2.  Pray for us & the community-  There are always a lot of logistical challenges and surprises on a trip in Central America.  Please pray God’s grace, wisdom, and protection on our group.  And please pray that our group would represent the love of Christ as we serve.  Please pray also for community leaders and pastors… that God would guide them on how best to love and lead their people in community development and spiritual renewal. 

3.  Give Financially- To accomplish various projects on the trip, we have a goal of raising $9,000.  If you would like to contribute toward this trip, please make your donation through the Tamarindo Church Giving page.  Just make your donation to Tamarindo Church, and be sure to send a follow up email at to let us know that you would like your donation to be designated for the Nicaragua trip in January.  

TC Children’s Church 

Hey Everyone,
The children have been super excited about this Christmas Season. This year we have combined all 3 classes several times for special activities. We made Christmas ornaments, decorated Christmas Cookies (and in the spirit of giving, gave a cookie to someone in the congregation that that the children were 

not related to). We also had seven brave children who performed during our Tamarindo Church Christmas Eve Service. We are excited for 2019 and look forward to a New Year in our New Church Building.  For more information and/or volunteer opportunities with Children’s Church, feel free to contact Stephanie Gough
TC Youth 

Hey Everyone,
TC Youth had a great 2018! This semester, we learned what it means to live a good story. We looked through the lives of Moses, Jesus, Zacheus, and many others to see that God has a purpose for our lives and wants to use US to further his Kingdom. We were made to do big things! We celebrated the end of the year with an ice cream party and BINGO. We are looking forward to all the opportunities the new church building will bring. Starting in January, we will have our own Youth Sunday School bible study at church. We hope you can join us! Youth Group friday nights will start back up Friday, January 11. 7 – 8:30 at Tamarindo Church.

Join us for Youth Group every Friday, 7 – 8:30 pm at Tamarindo Church!  Youth nights at Tamarindo Church create an environment where teenagers feel welcomed and feel safe to be themselves.

Each week, we start with some crazy games… followed by a time of digging into the Bible together to figure out who Jesus is and what He is all about. All 6th – 12th grade students are invited!

Join our facebook group “TC Youth” and follow our instagram account “tcyouthcr” to stay up to date on what’s happening!  Be sure to “LIKE” our Facebook page for Tamarindo Church Youth to stay updated on any changes in schedule or special events.  Click here to go to our page.  TC Youth
For more information, contact Ashley Look: 8416-8807


MUSICIANS WANTED We are seeking people with musical and vocal talent to join 

our worship team. If God has gifted you with musical or technical talent, we want you to be able to use it for His glory! Our immediate need is for instrumentalists, primarily Bass and Drums. We welcome those who can play other instruments (i.e. keyboard, ukulele, etc.) but the instruments cannot be supplied. Here are the first few steps for becoming part of the worship team…

  • Prayerfully consider your involvement.
  • Contact Lyle Watson: expressing your interest. The email should include:
    • Musical or technical experience and skill.
    • The reason you are interested in joining the worship team.
    • Pastor Lyle will review your information and schedule time when you can join us for an audition. 

If you have questions please contact Lyle at

CANCELLED– Men’s and Women’s group are cancelled, Wednesday, January 2nd, but will resume meeting again weekly on Wed, January 9th.  

NEW LOCATION– Please note that Men’s and Women’s groups will now be meeting at in the fellowship room which is on the first floor of the church, last room on the left.

WOMEN’S GROUP-WHEN? Wednesdays @12pm-1:30pmWHERE? Meetings are at the Tamarindo Church.For more info contact Stacey or call 8706-7479 
 MEN’S GROUP–  WHEN? Wednesdays @ 9:00amWHERE? Come join us on Wednesdays 9:00 AM at Tamarindo Church.  If you would like to come and hang out over coffee, several of us meet early at 8:30. For more info contact pastor Lyle at or call 8868-0871 

Tamarindo Church Prayer RequestsPlease continue to pray for……

That God would guide us in our vision and strategy for reaching and serving our community.

Thanks be to God for our staff and volunteers who serve in many roles in the church. Please pray that God would continue to build a sense of unity and family among our core church members… especially our Board, our Ministry Leadership Team, and our Volunteer Team.  Please pray that God would bless our ministry team with gifts of the Spirit to serve and lead well.

We are thankful to say that we will end this year in a good position financially.  Thanks be to God for His provision.  Please pray with us as we are in the midst of our pledge drive for 2019 to support our operating budget for the coming year. May God meet Tamarindo Church’s financial needs this coming year through pledges and regular supporters. We have about $20,000 more needed in the pledge drive to reach our goal.  

That God would create a spiritual hunger in our community, and that we would see many come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray that our Christmas Eve Service will draw many of these people to church. 

CHURCH LIFEPlease pray for our leadership and volunteers as we transition into a new season of ministry in our new church building.  Change and growth is exciting, but often a bit stressful.  Please pray for unity, grace, patience, flexibility among all of us as we adjust to life and ministry in the new church building.
Please pray spiritual wisdom and direction for Pastor Lyle as he leads the church.  For Stacey’s job in real estate… that she would find good balance between family, ministry and work… and not feel over-stressed or anxious.  And please pray she would earn enough to cover our children’s school tuition.  For our children Olivia and Wolfie… that they would  continue to grow to know, love, and serve our Lord.  And for spiritual protection over our family.

Please pray spiritual protection over our church and our Ministry Teams…. guarding us from spiritual attack and oppression, and anything that causes disunity and divisiveness in the body of faith at Tamarindo Church.