Hey friends, This past month has been pretty mellow at Tamarindo Church as folks have been out of town for Spring break, and tourism took it’s annual dip as always in May. But behind the scenes there has been some pretty exciting stuff going on.
First, Stacey and I were blessed to be a part of a “welcome service” at LifeBridge International Church in Panama City where their congregation welcomed Nate (& Jendi) Korpis as their new pastor. As Stacey and I drove into Panama City for the first time, our first impression was noticing how huge Panama City is. And to find out that there are only two English speaking churches reaching the international population in that city was a surprise to us. During our time there, it was great to get to know some of the congregation and to spend some time with the pastor Nate, Jendi (his wife) & the interim pastor and his wife, John and Lucy Halveston, who have been keeping LifeBridge going while LifeBridge was searching for a new pastor. So thankful for for how the Halvestons have prepared Lifebridge for the arrival of their new pastor. I should also let you know that Tamarindo Church has a special relationship to this church in Panama City in that over the past several months I have been coaching Nate in preparation for this new position as pastor. In addition, I will continue to coach Nate over the coming year as he dives into his first year of church planting in Panama City. Please keep Nate and Jendi in prayer as they transition into their new life in Panama, and as they serve and reach the unchurched in Panama CityWOMEN’S RETREAT Just this past weekend, ten ladies from Tamarindo Church headed up to La Carolina Lodge for TC’s annual Women’s Retreat. This year, the ladies were blessed to have Audrey Ihnen leading the teaching during the retreat. Audrey and her husband David have been with our church for about 7 months now, and have been a huge blessing to our church… loving on our church and reaching our community for Christ. The ladies had a great time connecting with God and with each other over the weekend. And I love that when I asked Stacey, “How was the trip?”, she said… “I think this was the best trip ever”. Wow… thank you Lord for blessing this retreat! And thank you to Stacey, Audrey & all who helped make this retreat happen.
Earlier this month, many of the key volunteers and leaders gathered for the purpose of doing some “fine tuning” to the design of Tamarindo Church, and with everyone’s input we have reached a final design and rendering. Thank you to everyone for your input and ideas as they helped us to optimize our space for the ministry we envision happening in this church building. We submitted the renderings to the engineer this week, and we hope to have a final cost on the project by the beginning of July. We will keep you posted. Click here to view the updated design on our website. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS Other highlights coming up on the calendar include…
Thank you all so much for the many ways you contribute to the life and ministry of Tamarindo Church. We hope to see you next Sunday!
Lyle & Stacey |
PIZZA FELLOWSHIP- Sunday, June 11th
Join us on Sunday the 11th after Church for hanging out, pizza, and a swim in the pool at Monkey Bar/Tamarindo Best Western Vista Villas. This is a great opportunity to connect with others in the church in a way that we just don’t get to do on Sunday’s after church service. Don’t forget your bathing suit and towel. Hope to see you there!Directions From Church: Drive toward Tamarindo. You will see Best Western Vista Villas and Monkey Bar on your left
Youth nights at Tamarindo Church create an environment where teenagers feel welcomed and safe to be themselves.
This month at Tamarindo Church Youth Group has been full of good times, belly laughs, and great conversations. We listen to music way too loud, eat (probably too much) candy, and play some wild games and mixers.
YES… the rumor is true!!! There is a Dodgeball Tournament coming up in June… so be sure to tell your friends and let’s get some dodgeball on!! Read below and learn how to sign up your team. All youth ages 12-18 are welcome to participate.
Aside from the dodgeball and crazy games on Fridays… we play each week, we’ve really been digging into the Bible to figure out who Jesus is and what He is all about.
TC Youth group meets every Friday night, 7:00-8:30 pm at Tamarindo Church! All 6th – 12th grade students are invited!
For more information, contact Ashley Look: 8416-8807 Ashleylook9@gmail.com
Join our FACEBOOK group “TC Youth” to stay up to date with events!
Friday June 9th, 5-7pm
To receive the application form above, just email Ashley and she will send you a copy that you can print, fill out, and get back to her. ashleylook9@gmail.com
- Prayerfully consider your involvement.
- Contact Steve Page: tamarindochurch@gmail.
com expressing your interest. The email should include: - Musical or technical experience and skill.
- The reason you are interested in joining the worship team.
- Steve and Pastor Lyle will review your information and schedule time when you can join us for an audition.
Tamarindo Church Prayer Requests
that God would guide us in our vision and strategy for reaching and serving our community.MINISTRY TEAM
Thanks to God for our staff and volounteers who serve in many roles in the church. Please pray that God would continue build a sense of unity and family among our core church members.
– Please pray that God would bless our team with unity as they keep SundayWorship going while the Watson’s are out of town in June.
– Please pray for Mike Megginson and Steve Page as they will be preaching while Pastor Lyle is out of town… that the Holy Spirit will use them to challenge and encourage our congregation through preaching of the word.FINANCES
Please pray to our Father that he would meet our needs in the coming year through pledges and regular supporters!
That God would create a spiritual hunger in our community, and that we would see many come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray that our church members would be salt and light in the community to those who are not saved.
Thanks be to God, the sale went through and Tamarindo Church now owns a property for the construction of a church building which will help us to more effectively minister to our church and community. At this point we are in the concept and design phase. Please pray that God would guide us in this process, and that our needs would be met for building the first phase of the church which includes the sanctuary, classroooms, youth room, and fellowship room..
– For time of refreshing of Lyle & family as they take time to be with family in the US in June.
– For spiritual wisdom and direction as we lead the church.
– For Stacey’s job in real-estate… that she would find balance between family, ministry and work. And that she would make enough to cover our children’s school tuition.
For meaningful times together and healthy balance between family and ministry.